The Ghost Of Los Angeles

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IMPORTANT: This is a special bonus Halloween edition of How Could I Say No? But it is NOT the next chapter.

Alex in a sexy costume on the sidebar ;D


Jack, Alex, Jordan, and Christofer sat in a circle on the ground, surrounded by newspapers and covered in guts from the pumpkin massacre they were working on when the doorbell rang.

“Your turn!” Jack said quickly in Alex’s direction. The singer groaned and rose to his feet.

“Fuck you,” he grunted as he shuffled towards the door and opened it. Just as he expected, there stood two star struck girls clad in skimpy Halloween costumes.

“Oh my god, it really is you!” one of them gushed. She was dressed in a cop costume that barely covered her body. Alex forced a smile and wiped his messy hands on his pants.

“Why yes. I am me,” he joked glumly. He’d lost count of the fans that showed up at his apartment that night, all of them clad in needlessly slutty outfits, and all of them way too old to be trick-or-treating.

“We’re huge fans,” the other girl giggled. She was wearing what looked to be a hooker bumblebee costume.

“Awh thanks! I’m glad to hear it...” he reached over and grabbed the bowl of condoms sitting next to the door and held it out proudly. The pair of fans looked as if they were about to faint from happiness.

“You would!” the slut-cop gasped in excitement.

“It was Jack’s idea…he wants to make sure everyone has a safe Halloween,” the All Time Low front man chuckled. “But! You don’t get any because you didn’t say the magic words!” he hugged the bowl to his chest protectively and winked.

“TRICK-OR-TREAT!” the fans squeaked in unison, entranced by his charm.

“There ya go!” he tossed a few into each of their bags. “Happy Halloween!” and with that, he quickly shut the door before they could get another word in.

“How’d it go?” Jack smirked as Alex rejoined the pumpkin carving circle.

“You know…it really concerns me that all these fans know where I live,” he replied casually and grabbed a knife.

“You’ll be fine,” Jordan reassured him. “Back in Fort Wayne there were a bunch of people who knew where I lived…every once in a while I’d find a random present on my doorstep or a note on the windshield of my car, but other than that nothing bad ever happened.”

“I guess,” the singer muttered and began carving his pumpkin violently.

One hour, several fangirl trick-or-treaters, and much frustrated swearing later, and the group had finished their masterpieces. They stepped back to admire their work.

Jordan carved a lopsided cat, while Christofer had done a sloppy ghost with the word “boo” underneath it. Jack and Alex both chose to do witches…with very large chests. All of them looked like shit, but they loved them.

“We’re awesome,” Jack announced.

“Damn straight we are,” Chris nodded in agreement.

“So…now that we’ve shown the world how talented we are, what are we going to do?” Jordan questioned.

Without a word, Alex darted out of the room and then returned holding a square piece of wood.

“What’s that?” Christofer asked.

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