Chapter 25

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I have a new story out called "Give Me Your Hand". It's about Jordan annnnd KELLIN QUINN! Please check it out!

Jordan gets forced to go to a strip club in it. Now common...who doesn't want to read about Jordan being awkward in a strip club? ;D Anyways...enjoy! :)

It became something straight out of a western when the couple approached the group. Both sets of people stood frozen and tense, ready to attack the enemy at the slightest movement.

Alex spoke first.

“Just keep your mouths shut and keep walking. We don’t want to deal with your bullshit.”

“Keep your nose out of our business, Gaskarth,” Trace retorted. “I got a bone to pick with your faggy little friend there. He needs to stop making eyes at my girl.”

“Oh shit that’s a girl!?” Jack gasped dramatically. “I’m sorry, Alex! I thought it was a really average looking dude, I should’ve never turned my gaze from you!”

“You are forgiven, Jacky.” Alex nodded and patted his band mate on the shoulder. Trace rolled his eyes.

“Oh shut the fuck up, both of you. I’m talking to him,” he jabbed a finger in Jordan’s direction, which was a surprise to no one. “So are you going to apologize or what?” the tattooed singer spat.

“Why can’t you just leave me alone? What the hell have I done to you? I didn’t stare at all, but so what if I actually had? You won, Trace. You have her. You got her to love you like she never loved me and I’ve left the two of you alone because of that. I’m not a violent person at all, but I’m really getting to a point here where it seems like that’s the only thing that will get it through your head that I want nothing to do with either of you.”

“I’d really like to see you try,” he nudged Katelyn behind him and took a few steps forward.

For the first time in his life, Trace truly regretted a decision he made. As Jordan lunged towards him, time seemed to slow down giving him the opportunity to notice a very important detail that he missed.

Jordan worked out.

It was something that few other than the most loyal of fans, and Christofer noticed, because he kept it so subtle. Jordan didn’t want to be a body builder, and he didn’t work so hard on carefully toning his body so he could show it off. He merely wanted to stay in shape so he could give his high energy performances without passing out from exhaustion.

His legs were strong and perfectly shaped, as shown by the skinny jeans that clung snugly onto them. His tight t-shirt hid a flat belly whose slight six pack was complimented by gentle v-lines. And then there were his arms. His toned arms that now rippled with muscle as he cocked his fist in preparation to hit Trace square in the nose.

Time returned to its normal pace after Trace had the chance to truly understand what he’d just angered, and he fell to the ground as Jordan’s fist connected with his face.

“Do you have anything else to say?” Jordan sneered. Trace shook his head rapidly. “That’s what I thought.” He turned to the trio behind him. “Let’s go.”

Alex, Jack, and Christofer were all standing with their jaws dropped practically to the ground. Never in a million years did they picture sweet, kind, little Jordan to punch someone in the face. Yet here they were, about to walk away from the aftermath of it.

Trace’s ego got the best of him though, and as Jordan turned he took the opportunity to scramble off the ground and tackle him to the ground. They landed with a thud that knocked the wind out of the shorter boy and Trace grabbed him by the hair with one hand so he could hold his head steady as he punched him with the other.

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