Chapter 22

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“Oh my god! Jordan! Christofer! How did we not see you there!?” A familiar female voice squeaked.

“Do you remember us!?” asked another one.

Their stomachs dropped as they slowly turned their heads. They knew exactly who they were.

There sat Bianca, Claire, Tammy, and Alyssa, the four girls who had attempted to seduce them on The Tower of Terror. They all had identical menacing smiles on their faces and the couple shuddered.

“Y-yeah, how have ya been?” Jordan mumbled politely.

“We’ve been awesome! Today is our last day here though so we’re kinda bummed…” Tammy replied.

“Go figure,” Chris muttered under his breath.

“Where are Jack and Alex?” said Alyssa.

The two boys shrugged while Christofer linked fingers with his boyfriend as a reminder to the girls that they were in fact gay. The motion was ignored, however, and the four girls wasted no time in making them feel awkward.

“You’re looking really cute today. Both of you!” Claire batted her eyes.

“Thanks,” the singers replied in unison.

“Our time together got short because you ran away so fast last time…we were sad. Can we hangout today?” Bianca chirped.

“Well it’s our last day here like you guys, and we kind of wanted to spend it alone…” Christofer said flatly.

“Oh common! You’ll have plenty of time alone. Are you still seriously pretending you’re gay?” the boys were losing track of who was talking, as all of them sounded very similar. They assumed it was Tammy.

“We actually are gay and very much in love.” Jordan stated while noticing that they’d missed half the ride because they were distracted by the crazy fans.

The four seated behind them grew quiet to their surprise, but they relaxed too soon.

“Ow!” The lovers yelped in unison. They each felt the prick of pieces of their hair being pulled from their scalp.

“What do you think you’re doing!? Did you just fucking take our hair!?” Christofer was starting to get extremely pissed. He’d dealt with some crazy people before, but never had anyone actually taken hair from him.

Tammy, Bianca, Claire, and Alyssa all shoved their hands behind their backs and shook their heads fearfully.

“Why on Earth would we do that?” Bianca frowned.

“Yeah! That’s just plain weird,” Alyssa added.

“Yes. It is weird. And we both just felt you take our damn hair. STOP. I consider myself a pretty patient guy, but that’s just crossing the line,” Christofer hissed.

Jordan merely sat quietly, clasping Chris’s hand and gently running his thumb back and forth to calm him. He could see the end of the ride and started brainstorming a plan to get rid of the four insane fans. But it turns out he didn’t have to come up with any plan at all. The moment their car halted at the end, they saw a woman standing outside with her arms folded and a look of pure rage on her face.

The conversation between Christofer and the girls immediately ceased at the sight of the woman.

“Aw shit…” Tammy groaned.

“Girls, you get over here THIS INSTANT.” The woman shrieked. “I told you not to run off like that! And you’re talking to strangers too!? I can’t believe you!”

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