Chapter 14

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This chapter is back in present day! BY THE WAY! Is there anyone who hasn't gotten a dedication that has been deserving of one? I've kinda lost track...please let me know!

“Can you stop staring at me please?” Trace asked sarcastically.

“Don’t flatter yourself you little fuck,” Christofer spat and took a step closer to the tattooed man.

He snorted and rolled his eyes. “Well aren’t you so scary. What are you gonna do? Beat me with your ukulele?”

“No. Why would I ruin a perfectly good ukulele? After all, I use it all the time because I have a successful band that people want to listen to. Damn…what’s it like being a one hit wonder?”

“What’s it like to take it up the ass, queer?” he raised his voice while people were began to stare.

“Now Trace, why would you ask questions you already know the answer to?” Chris retorted without missing a beat.

Trace raised his fist in preparation to strike the lanky boy but was stopped by a female voice.

“What’s going on here?”

There stood Katelyn with her hands on her hips and a stare that could freeze hell over. It was directed at Jordan who had been just innocently standing off to the side, trying to keep himself from going into a panic attack. She stomped over to him and moved her face so it was inches from his.

“What is your problem!?” She hissed.

He merely shut his eyes, praying for this to all go away and wishing he was angry at her. Instead, his mind flooded with memories of the last time she had been so close to them, when they exchanged “I love you’s” and kissed each other goodbye the night before he went on the very tour that she disappeared after. This was the first time he had seen her since.

“Well?” The blonde repeated with Trace now at her side.

He began to shake, and wanted nothing more than to break down and cry, or grovel on his knees and beg for her back. But then, he felt a hand on his shoulder and all those thoughts vanished. He turned to see Christofer standing slightly in front of him with a rare look of rage on his face. He was Jordan’s knight in shining armor, ready to do whatever it took to protect him.

That small gesture of Chris touching his shoulder was all he needed to realize that Katelyn was nothing to him. He could finally let go and stop tormenting himself. He had someone new, someone better, and he was the happiest he had ever been in his life.

“Leave us alone, Katelyn. You know damn well we didn’t do anything,” Jordan stated sternly. “All you ever do is cause drama, and you just can’t stand the fact that I’m no longer sitting around pining for you. You hate the fact that I’m happy, and you especially hate the fact I’m repulsed by you.”

Katelyn’s face turned bright red and her voice rose to a pitch that if it went any higher, only dogs would be able to hear her. “YOU’RE repulsed by ME? Hate to break it to you, Jordan, but you disgust me more. You think I stayed with you for so long because I loved you? No. I stayed with you because you gave me whatever I wanted, and you were too stupid to see that I cheated on you THE ENTIRE TIME WE DATED.  Shit, you even still think I lost my virginity to you don’t you? Ha! While you waited a year for us to “fall in love” so it’d be special, I was having the greatest sex in the world. And now I have Tracey who’s so much better than you ever were. I would never cheat on him, or even dream of leaving him, because unlike with you, I actually give a shit about him.”

She breathed heavily and clenched her jaw as she finished. All eyes were on Jordan who was staring off into space with no expression. Finally, he smiled and began counting softly to himself.

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