Chapter 29

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I's taking me forever to update...but the good news is that I'm going on break soon so I'll have more time to write! 

Also, be sure to check out my other Jordan story "Give Me Your Hand", starring Jordan Witzigreuter and Kellin Quinn :D 

Jordan’s eyes slowly opened when he felt someone sit down on the edge of his bed. He ran his fingers through his hair and groggily squinted over at the digital clock on the dresser. It proudly informed him, in glowing red numbers, that it was roughly two in the morning.

“Wow, Chris. I thought for sure you’d be out later than this,” he yawned, closed his eyes once more, and in a swift motion, grabbed the other boy on the bed and pulled him into a deep kiss.

But something was wrong.

Christofer’s lips seemed to have shrunk and his piercings disappeared, along with the smoothness of his cheek, which was replaced by uncharacteristic stubble. Jordan pulled away in confusion and opened his eyes slowly, just as he did only moments before.

Lying next to him was a very frozen, very terrified Alex Gaskarth. 

Jordan pushed his friend away roughly and began frantically wiping his mouth while spitting out a line of curses. Alex did the same.

“I thought you were Chris!” Jordan groaned.

“No, I know. I’m sorry about that, I just didn’t expect you to randomly grab me and violate my fucking mouth with your damn tongue. Though I must say…Christofer is a lucky guy!”

 “This isn’t the time for joking!” the shorter singer replied in dismay. “Oh god…he’s going to be so pissed when he finds out. I didn’t mean it! You know I didn’t mean it, right?”

When Alex didn’t answer his panic began to increase.

“Seriously! He could dump me over this!”


“Alex! I need to hear it from you that you know it was an accident!”

The All Time Low front man’s heart shattered with each word that came from Jordan’s mouth. He seemed to be almost on the verge of tears because of the guilt from one accidental kiss, and now Alex was going to have to tell him that Christofer did something similar…but about a million times worse.

“I understand it was an accident,” he said softly. “But we need to talk.”

“Ok. Thank you. Now what’s up?”

“Well it’s about Christofer. The bachelor party didn’t go so great…”

Jordan frowned and sat up nervously. “What do you mean?”

“I don’t know, we just sort of lost track of him. Me and Jack got separated from Cameron, him, and David right away and the three of them got really drunk and then this girl—“

“What girl?” the short singer growled.

“She uh…well she gave him some pills. And he got really fucked up and went into the bathroom with her…and they…I’m sorry, Jordan.” He mumbled and looked down.

The other boy was completely white and looked as if he was about to throw up. “S-sex?”

“Yeah,” Alex replied in barely a whisper.

“Fuck!” Jordan yelled and put his head in his hands. “You’re lying. This isn’t funny. This is a joke and it needs to stop now.”

“I’m not joking. Look, if it makes it any better, he was really messed up; we both know he’s crazy about you and would never do something like that in his right mind.”

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