Chapter 9

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I MET JORDAN OH MY GOD!!! And the only thing I could think about the entire time I was talking to him was "I'm currently writing a story about you and Christofer Drew falling in love in Disney World....I am SO sorry." But anyways, that's my fun fact of the day. Enjoy the next chapter :)

WARNING: This chapter is a little explicit. If this makes you uncomfortable, message me and I will summarize the chapter for you.

Christofer propped himself up on his elbow and looked down at Jordan who was avoiding eye contact.

“What about it?” he smiled and winked. He had been curious about Jordan’s past sex life himself and of course, what their sex life was going to be like.

“Well just…how many girls have you been with?”

“Oh shit…I don’t even know. A lot, I mean…I have a ton of groupies. But don’t worry! They meant nothing to me, and I don’t talk to any of them.” He added at the end quickly when he saw the distraught look that covered Jordan’s face.

“Ok. So not one of them was ever special to you?”

“There were two. The first girl I ever slept with and a girl I dated right before I met you. Both of them broke my heart though, so I don’t give two shits about them. What about you? How many girls have you been with?”


“Really? I thought you’ve only ever fucked your ex.”

“She was the only girl I’ve ever dated, and I lost my virginity to her, yes but…I cheated on her once.” He sighed and continued to avoid eye contact. “It was after the first time I found out she cheated on me. I got mad and decided to give her a taste of her own medicine so I slept with a random fan whose name I don’t even remember. I’ve never felt worse in my life. After that I promised to never cheat again despite the fact that she never stopped…yeah…” He trailed off and clenched his fists tightly.

Christofer stroked his hair comfortingly and kissed his forehead.

“I will never cheat on you. You mean more to me than any girl I’ve been with and we haven’t even slept together yet which is the next thing I wanted to ask. Are you comfortable with doing all that type of, um, stuff?”

“Well I’m beyond nervous. But I am ok with being intimate; I just don’t want to rush anything. Who knew I’d be giving a guy head someday,” Jordan chuckled and finally was able to look at Christofer.

“You’re so innocent; I can’t imagine you doing anything sexual.”

Jordan raised an eyebrow and sat up. “Is that so? Well, give it time. You’ll see how wrong that statement is,” he whispered seductively. “I may not be as experienced as you, but I’m quite talented with certain things.”

"Like?" Christofer's mouth went dry as the fantasies began playing out in his head.

“You’ll find out soon enough.”

“You tease!”

“Yeah, that’s one of the things I’m good at.” He kissed him and then lay back on the bed and yawned. Chris puffed out his cheeks and exhaled.

“You’re so cute.”

“Everything you do is super-duper cute and I can’t stand it,” Jordan sung softly.

“You, you got me where you want me, ‘cause I’ll do anything to please you…” he sung back and kissed him.

“Please don’t stop. I love your singing so much.”

“Hm…hang on one second!” He got up and darted out of the room then returned with his ukulele. “Alright let’s see here…” He strummed a few chords and counted to get the beat right. “1, 2, 3…I’ve been waiting my whole life for someone like you…”

Jordan felt so at peace as Christofer’s voice lulled him to sleep.

The next morning they received another wakeup call. This time it was Stitch saying something that Jordan couldn’t understand after just waking up, then Mickey apologizing for the alien’s behavior and telling him once again to have a magical day.

He prodded Christofer who groaned and rolled on top of him.

“Hey, baby,” he yawned without moving.

Jordan looked up at Chris. “Morning. Excited for today?”

“Fuck yeah! Hollywood Studios today!” All grogginess left him and he quickly got off his boyfriend and started stripping down. “I haven’t showered in like two days…I’m gonna go do that really fast,” he announced.

“Yeah I gotta shower too. I’ll just do it after you—“he stopped mid-sentence and his jaw dropped. Christofer had taken off the last article of clothing which was of course, his boxers. “I-I-uh…I…”

Chris cocked his head to the side and smiled innocently. “Something wrong?”

“No! I…and…you…but…hm….uh…” Jordan was unable to form a sentence as he lusted after the naked boy before him.

“I want to get going so maybe it’d be faster if we, you know, showered together?” Without waiting for an answer, Christofer grabbed his hand and dragged him into the bathroom. He started up the water while Jordan removed his clothes awkwardly with a dazed look on his face.

They both stepped in together and took in the sight of each other’s full bodies for the first time. It was certainly a moment they’d remember forever.

“Now what…?” Jordan mumbled. Chris shrugged, and spun him so he was facing away from him. Jordan began to panic, thinking that they were about to do what they discussed the night before. He was not ready for this. “What are you doing!?”

He soon felt a cool gel cover his head as Christofer dumped one of the little bottles of shampoo over him.

“I’m washing your hair, chill,” he chuckled as he began working his spidery fingers through Jordan’s locks. He expertly massaged his scalp while leaning over to plant small kisses on his neck and collar bone.

Meanwhile, Jordan was trying his best to think of old nuns, dead puppies, and Gary Busey. Anything to keep him from getting hard. He was already embarrassed enough, he didn’t need that to add onto it. It worked until he felt Christofer’s soft lips on his neck.

“Shit,” he muttered under his breath a little too loud, though his boyfriend knew exactly what he was referring to.

“Don’t worry about it. I promise I won’t stare…much,” he smirked.

Jordan squeaked and instinctually moved his hands to cover himself, but Christofer was faster and in one swift motion, grabbed his wrists.


“Sorry I’m just—“

“Shut up and let me wash your hair,” he ordered and went back to scrubbing his head.

“Yes, mom….”

Chris was just about to begin conditioning his lover’s hair when there came a loud knock on the door.

“Who could that be?” Jordan wondered aloud.

“I don’t know, but they can wait. I haven’t even gotten to start on your body yet,” he winked at Jordan who inhaled sharply and placed his hand on Christofer’s chest.

There was another knock, louder this time. They both stopped what they were doing and waited a beat. When there was no more noise, Christofer went back to busily conditioning Jordan’s hair as the latter inched closer to him.

Then there was yet another knock, but this time it was on the bathroom door.

“Holy shit, they got into our room! What do we do?” Jordan panicked. Chris on the other hand was pissed that his shower was being interrupted. Without a word he wrapped himself in a towel and marched to the door. “Chris, wait! We don’t know who’s there!” Jordan called desperately. But it was too late. 

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