Chapter 24

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“Sometimes I really think they could be gay,” Jordan commented softly to Christofer.

“Me too. And then right when I begin to suspect they are, they do this,” Chris motioned towards Jack and Alex who were oblivious to the conversation being held about them as they were too busy chatting up the scantily clad girls.

“You’re from New York, huh? Wow that must’ve been a long plane ride,” Alex said and flashed his most charming smile.

“Yeah. We actually came here for Rhythm Fest and decided to go to Disney after,” One who went by the name of Chastity replied.

“We played there!” Jack chimed in.

“Oh did you? There were so many bands we sort of lost track…we mainly came for Katy Perry.”

“And Adele,” Chastity’s friend Marie added. “By the way we overheard you talking,” she continued. “And we wanted to let you know that we totally respect you guys for being so out about your sexuality!”

“Thank—wait…what!?” Alex stammered.

“We think you guys are the cutest couple. When you were yelling about how you love each other we just about died from how adorable it was,” Chastity chirped.

“Oh no we’re not—“

Marie cut Jack off before he could continue informing them of their true orientation. “We also wanted to know if your friends are single.”

Naturally, Jordan and Christofer were listening in to the entire exchange while snickering like school children. The look on the faces of the All Time Low members was absolutely priceless and they planned on drawing out their stunned reaction as long as possible. Chris nodded to his boyfriend and they both joined the conversation.

“Why yes we are single,” Christofer said in a singsong voice.

“Oh really now?” Marie twirled a stand of her platinum blonde hair around her finger.

“Yep! And I gotta say…you two are gorgeous, I’m Jordan and this is Christofer.”

“What are you doing?” Alex muttered through gritted teeth, but he was ignored.

“I’m Marie and this is Chastity!”

“Really nice to meet you,” Chris glided over to Chastity’s side and lightly placed his hand on her lower back. Jordan made his way over to the other and brushed a strand of hair out of her face; an aftermath of a short breeze that had come and gone as fast as Jack and Alex’s chances with the bombshells.

“Nice to meet you too,” Marie swooned.

As they watched the couple steal the girls they had hoped to bring back to their rooms that evening, Jack and Alex couldn’t help but thank their lucky stars that Chris and Jordan were gay. They’d forgotten just how good the boys were at the art of seduction, especially Jordan. They only saw him in action one time, and they assumed it was when he was getting back at Katelyn for cheating on him…but damn. If their egos weren’t the size of Texas they surely would’ve practically begged the short boy for tips.

Chris on the other hand was a whore, but he was a whore for a reason. All it took was a subtle wink and a few compliments with that Joplin accent of his and girls were putty in his lanky tattooed hands.

By the time they reached the front of the line, the girls were just about ready to drop down on their knees and become the singers’ sexual slaves right there in front of everyone. Sadly for them, they were split apart and seated in the train that was to leave after them.

“Call me!” Marie shouted desperately to Jordan, who merely smiled politely and winked.

“Me too!” Chastity squeaked to Christofer. He gave her a flirtatious salute and with that the car began moving and they were whisked off to a clean getaway.

“Consider that your punishment for every time you have and ever will cock block,” Christofer stated smugly (mainly in reference to when the singers invaded his and Jordan’s shower) as they left the ride and made their way to Splash Mountain.

“Yeah. I hoped you learned your lesson because you missed out on cheerleaders. Very flexible cheerleaders,” Jordan added happily.

With each word Alex and Jack’s skin grew a shade whiter and they looked as if they were about to be sick.

“I-I’m so…sorry,” Jack groaned. Alex nodded in agreement.

“Good! Now let’s go get splashed!” Jordan said enthusiastically.

Though the wait was awful and they didn’t get as soaked as promised, the spray of water from the plunges was a definite relief from the blistering sun, and they somehow managed to leave without getting “The Song of the South” stuck in their heads.

“I just realized this is our last ride…” Christofer observed sadly as they approached Pirates of the Caribbean.

“Arr! But it be a high flyin’ seven seas adventure!” Jordan grinned. The other three’s faces immediately lit up.

“Aye ye landlubbers! Make haste gettin’ into line or it’ll be Davey Jones locker for ye! ARRR!” Alex held up his finger to make a hook shape as he spoke.

“ARRRRRR!” Chris shouted. They got into line and ignored the looks of the already irritated people in front of and behind them.

Their wait time was about ten minutes, and not once did they break from their pirate voices. The closer they got to the boats, the worse it became.

“There be our vessel! Isn’t she a beauty?” Jack said.

“Aye, of course she be a beauty! She be me ship! I’m the captain and ye be me loyal hearties.”

“You aren’t the captain. I be the captain, savvy?” Jordan replied to Alex.

“Mutiny!” Alex cried while getting into their boat.

“Hoist the anchor! Raise the flag! Clean the poop deck ye scurvy dogs!” Jack pointed around at an invisible flag and anchor while continuing to babble any pirate phrases that came to mind whether they made sense or not. Though as the ride progressed it turned out that Jack was not the only one guilty of having limited knowledge of pirate slang. As the boys ran out of creative things to say in order to narrate everything they passed, they eventually resorted to crying out things like “a vast”, “savvy”, and of course, “ARRR!”

Those sharing the boat with them were beyond thankful as the ride finally came to a halt and everyone got off. The pirate chatter came to an end after they were back in the sun’s line of fire.

“Well fuck,” Chris sighed. “That was the end of the last ride…”

Nobody was able to react to the statement, however, as Jordan suddenly tensed up. His entire body went rigid, his fists clenched to the point where his nails were on the verge of making his palms bleed, and his face was crimson.

“You ok, man?” Jack frowned. The short boy shook his head and inhaled sharply. There stood Trace with his arms wrapped around a familiar blonde, both returning the death glare he’d fixed upon them.

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