Chapter 8

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When Lan Wangji stood up without a word and went closer to Wei Wuxian, Mo Xuanyu knew this was not about to end well. It was not the action in itself which would make him think so, usually everything would be alright, the scene was as mundane as it could get. Yes, usually, with everyone else but Wei Wuxian being the one who got startled and confused.

Mo Xuanyu could tell that his friend had stiffened immediately after Lan Wangji moved and that he was alert and tense all of a sudden. He stopped petting A-Yuan's hair and only sat on the ground, one of his hands still gently resting on the toddler's head. He was visibly waiting for what would come and was most probably not able to relax due to past bad experience. It was really no wonder that he would not feel too comfortable without being told what was expected of him and what would happen. Mo Xuanyu surely would have if he found himself in Wei Wuxian's shoes.

Although he knew Lan Wangji had no ill intentions, his friend apparently did not believe the same; or alternatively, he believed his master was about to end this sweet moment never to give him another break again. As far from the truth as this point of view was, Mo Xuanyu was afraid that he was spot on, Wei Wuxian's nervousness was only too easy to read.

He quickly stood up to intervene before his friend would start panicking or accept everything bad in this situation. He had almost forgotten that he was still holding Jiang Yanli's hand in his own until he was rising and a small tug at his arm showed him that the lady beside him stood up as well. For some reason, one that was not even too clear to himself, he felt heat accumulating in his cheeks, he was blushing all of a sudden.

What was he thinking? He should not be dragging a young lady, one of the mistresses of the Yunmeng Jiang Manor no less, around like this. Their statuses were so far apart that he should not be anywhere near her, not even talking about sitting comfortably next to her and enjoying morning sun. And holding her hand at that!

Before this, he had found it quite natural and had not been thinking about it. However now, when he realized that he was overstepping his bounds, he was suddenly very uneasy. Not because he thought he would be scolded or punished in any way, the Lans would not let it happen even if, by any slim chance, Jiang Yanli would insist she had been bothered by his behaviour. No, what he was scared way more of was that rumours could start spreading and people would believe them.

It had already happened in the Koi Tower Manor. He had been labelled by who knew whom as a cut sleeve and a maniac and it just stuck with him. No one would ever call him by his name, they would only ridicule him and jeer at him wherever he went. It had been less than pleasant. He really did not want to repeat anything similar to that experience. Luckily, there were rules against gossiping here in the Cloud Recesses Manor.

He quickly let go of Jiang Yanli's hand, just in case though, and walked to the middle of the courtyard. He kept his head lowered, much like Wei Wuxian did all of the time, he was hiding his blushing cheeks and silently berating himself. He really should have been more careful and thought things through before doing something like holding a young lady's hand just like that, unsupervised no less. It must have been uncomfortable for her and she was just so courteous that she had not said anything. He truly was an inconsiderate idiot.

Though, he could not lie to himself, it actually felt good. Aside for A-Yuan and his mother before she had passed away, he did not have many people who would touch him without ill intentions or malice. It was a great experience to be allowed such soothing and heart-warming physical contact. He should cuddle more often with A-Yuan from now on to get more of that feeling.

He shook his head slightly, trying to stop thinking about all of this. It was clear that he had made a mistake but it was about to be fine. The Lans would never be angry at him for something like this. Wei Wuxian needed his help more at the moment.

He had surely not realized the same as Mo Xuanyu and was out of his mind with worry what would happen to him. He had done literally nothing wrong but from how stiff he was and how his head and shoulders were hunched even more than usually, it was crystal clear that he thought he had done something to anger or displease his master. He was expecting to be punished on the spot.

That must have been why he was clutching A-Yuan close to his chest, protecting him either consciously or unconsciously from Lan Wangji. If the child was awake right now, Mo Xuanyu was sure that he would start asking Wei Wuxian what was wrong. He would immediately notice that something was amiss with his new friend and would want to help him.

It would be sweet to see him so concerned for someone else and it would also be good for Wei Wuxian who was uncomfortable with anyone worrying about him, anyone except A-Yuan.

The toddler must have known some kind of magic because due to his adorable and innocent character, he had not only helped Mo Xuanyu to adjust to his life in the Cloud Recesses Manor, but he was also helping Wei Wuxian now. None of them would be able to refuse anything to the child, he had them wrapped around his little finger just like that. That much Mo Xuanyu knew from the second he saw Wei Wuxian agreeing to go play with dogs that he hated just because A-Yuan asked him to do so.

Luckily, it had never come to that, it would have been a true disaster. Being here with the rabbits, enjoying the morning sun and the serene atmosphere was way better for Wei Wuxian than running around, scared out of his mind, and pretending that he was having a good time in order not to disappoint the child. He only hardly ever had any time to enjoy himself so he needed this calm and relaxing moment.

It seemed like Wei Wuxian was now overthinking everything because he started to shake slightly and drew A-Yuan even closer to himself. Mo Xuanyu was already so close that he could see how his friend was looking all around, with his head still lowered of course, he would never look up in a situation like this, when he did not feel safe to do so. His eyes were alternating between his surroundings and the toddler's figure.

It only downed on him at that moment that Wei Wuxian was actually wondering where he could put the child down so he would be able to free his hands. He must have truly been expecting a punishment and did not want to involve A-Yuan in his own mess. It was so sad to realize that Mo Xuanyu hastened his steps to make it the rest of the way and take the child from his friend's hands. Not to let him think he was making it easier for Lan Wangji to hit him, but to free his hands so he would understand that nothing like that would actually happen.

Wei Wuxian needed that reassurance to be able to grow more comfortable around the Lans and to learn that they would not hit him, certainly not for something he imagined he had done wrong. Mo Xuanyu had never been as much as scolded here and he wanted Wei Wuxian to discover this fact as well and relax. 

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