Chapter 35

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Lan Xichen entered Wei Wuxian's room in deep thoughts. After seeing the situation in which the boy had found himself just moments ago, there were a lot of doubts inside his mind if he should actually leave the Cloud Recesses Manor at a time like this.

Although it seemed like Wei Wuxian was feeling enough at ease around Lan Wangji, something had still happened which the second younger master of the Cloud Recesses Manor could not handle. Or, could handle under normal circumstances but not when it came to Wei Wuxian to be more precise. Lan Xichen knew that his younger brother could be composed enough if he came upon such a picture, only if it had been with any other servant. But when it came to Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji was getting just as anxious as the boy himself and it was not helping anyone.

Normally, Lan Xichen would have believed that it was a great progress for Lan Wangji to be coming out of his seemingly indifferent, cold and closed-off shell like this. He would have celebrated even. However, seeing him fretting over Wei Wuxian and looking at him with those panicked eyes, Lan Xichen did not know if he was approving of this. Never before had his younger brother given him such a desperate look, calling for help.

Lan Xichen looked back at Lan Wangji. Luckily, his brother was now back to his normal self if still frowning slightly. The reason for his current expression was clear enough as well. Wei Wuxian was standing outside of the door, once again in his perfectly subservient posture, apparently uneasy. Lan Xichen wondered what was wrong now.

Before he could make any more and try to have the boy relax and come inside, Lan Wangji was already making just that. Lan Xichen gave a small smile, it was truly great to see his little brother caring about someone this deeply. After their parents had died, Lan Wangji had closed off from the world and would only ever show affection to his immediate family. Now, that circle of persons had just grown by at least one. Lan Xichen was glad for that.

Wei Wuxian came inside the room and he remained standing in the middle of it. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes looked glassy, he definitely had a fever, just like Lan Wangji had said. They should get him to bed quickly and make sure that he would actually rest this time. Last evening had been way too eventful and this morning had not been any different, the boy needed a little breather to be able to fight his fever.

Lan Xichen decided that his brother had done enough for the day; he looked kind of tired and definitely stressed out, he also needed a good rest. But he would not do so until he would know that Wei Wuxian was first taken care of, comfortable and most probably also asleep. Lan Wangji, was just like that when it came to people he cared about. First things first then.

Lan Xichen prompted gently: "Young Master Wei, come take a rest. You should sleep for a while for your fever to go down. What about you go change and in the meantime, I will call for some medicine. You do not have to worry about anything aside for getting better."

He could tell that those words had completely amazed Wei Wuxian and once again, had to worry about what the Jiangs had done to him that such a simple act of kindness could almost bring the boy to tears. No one should be this grateful when he was sick and was told to go rest. The same thing had happened yesterday during the dinner too. It was sad really. Lan Xichen's determination to go investigate in the Lotus Pier Manor and punish anyone who had made the boy act like this only grew stronger.

He had expected that Wei Wuxian would obey his words. Although he had not spoken them as a command, Lan Xichen had thought that the boy would still follow them, willingly that was, not as something he would believe he had to do. Nothing happened but Lan Xichen waited patiently, only giving Wei Wuxian some time.

Perhaps his fever was actually worse than Lan Xichen had imagined and he had a hard time understanding him? This would simply not do. How were they supposed to convince the boy that he was safe with them and for him to believe their words, when he was almost constantly in bad health and they were making him run around? They really needed to get him to rest at least for the remainder of the day and the night.

Lan Xichen was a bit startled when Lan Wangji suddenly spoke: "Wei Ying, where are your things?"

He was immediately confused and looked at his brother. What was Lan Wangji talking about? Lan Xichen's eyes were darting between Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian. He was at a loss about what was happening. He could only see that the boy's shoulders hunched into themselves, making him look smaller in an instant. He was bothered and becoming distressed. What had Lan Wangji meant by this?

It was a little embarrassing actually that it took Lan Xichen a whole of three seconds to realize. He remembered he had seen the boy coming to the Cloud Recesses Manor with a very small suitcase in his hands. His things must have been there. Although the baggage was way too small for him to transport everything he would have needed for a long stay.

Lan Xichen made a mental note to inspect just what Wei Wuxian had with him and what he had not and provide everything needed. The Jiangs apparently did not provide for him even in this area. Actually, now that he was looking more closely at the boy, his clothes seemed way too thin and also worn out somewhat despite appearing quite well made. Lan Xichen would ask for several sets of new, warmer and more appropriate, robes to be brought in for the boy in the morning.

But why had Lan Wangji asked? It still baffled Lan Xichen a little and he looked around so he would be able to see what else needed to be provided. It was at that moment, after a thorough inspection, that he realized the boy's suitcase was nowhere in the room. He silently berated himself for not seeing this coming earlier. He had been the one who had told the boy that this room was his and had seen him doubt those words!

He should have insisted more. As things stood, Wei Wuxian clearly did not think he was allowed to take his belongings inside the room and put them anywhere visible. Lan Wangji's question was actually spot on. Where was that suitcase?

Lan Xichen frowned almost unnoticeably and turned towards Wei Wuxian now. He saw that the boy was still hunched into himself and was not making any move to go retrieve his things. Could it be that he did not dare to do so? Lan Xichen thought that there could be only one explanation, his suitcase was not in the room at all and the boy was afraid to leave and go fetch it.

He sighed internally, Wei Wuxian really had not believed a word they had said. Be it because of his upbringing, the lack of trust caused by so many years of betrayals or simply because he thought he should not leave his masters alone, Wei Wuxian was clearly not going to move from his spot on his own.

Lan Xichen would have never imagined that someone could be moulded into a servant to this degree. The boy was once again trembling, a sight which was becoming very familiar whenever Lan Xichen was interacting with him. His fears were not becoming any lesser it would seem. There was still such a long way ahead of him, it was heart-breaking. This was the first time Lan Xichen was seeing such a case and he hoped with his whole heart that it was also the last one.

He made sure to control his emotions and his expression when he gently but firmly asked the boy: "Young Master Wei, can you please show us where your belongings are?"

Won't you believe me? (Servant no more - book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon