Chapter 67

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Lan Xichen felt tears stinging in his eyes when he was watching Wei Wuxian's breakout, and now even Lan Wangji started crying as well. This was a bit too much for him to handle.

Not that he had been indifferent to Wei Wuxian's pain earlier, but he could somehow still handle it, no matter hard it had been to see it so clearly. He had been through this many times in the past when he had brought new servants to the Cloud Recesses Manor and they cried after finally having realized that they were indeed safe here. However, this time was different, he did not have a feeling that Wei Wuxian actually believed him, it was more likely the boy was now influenced by his terrible past and had understood things differently than Lan Xichen had wanted to convey them.

Moreover, it was tugging at his heartstrings to see someone of his younger brother's age being in this much pain. What the Jiangs had done was truly beyond horrible. Not only that, he was also influenced by seeing Lan Wangji care so much for the boy, to the point that he would cry for him. The tears on his cheeks were very distressing for Lan Xichen because the last time he had seen his brother openly hurting this much had been the moment a young Lan Wangji had finally realized what exactly it meant that his mother would never see him again.

Since then, his brother had never opened his heart to anyone. He had become withdrawn in all aspects of his life. He would study diligently and interact with people when strictly necessary, but he never initiated a leisurely conversation of any sort. He never smiled and never stopped for idle chatter, not even with his closest family. He held everything inside of himself and to those around, he appeared cold and indifferent. He knew it was just to protect himself, but his brother had been guarding his heart too well in fact.

Lan Xichen had always known that it was not the real Lan Wangji everyone was seeing, however, he had no idea how to help him come out of his shell. He was most probably the only one who managed to read his brother, and not all the times at that. It had been Wei Wuxian who had broken the barriers around Lan Wangji's heart and made him smile and interact with others again. He made him feel and those emotions that his younger brother had been keeping under a lock and key deep inside his heart were now rushing out as a wild river of salty tears.

It was necessary from the looks of it, it would also be good for both boys in a long run. However, Lan Xichen could not help himself but to be worried. Both Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian looked like they were in so much pain, clinging to each other as if the world was crumbling around them and they were the only solid lifelines left. They were a little pitiful indeed.

Lan Xichen could not see any differences between Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian at the moment. Both boys were being swept away by the flood of their too long overlooked feelings. He knew that he would not be able to help Wei Wuxian as he could not have gotten through to him even earlier. With Lan Wangji, hopefully it would be a different story.

"Wangji," he called quietly to attract his attention, "are you alright?"

It was perhaps not the most clever question to ask but Lan Xichen had to start somewhere. He had to first get Lan Wangji's attention to be able to help in any way.

Though, his brother completely ignored him, all that he had accomplished was a short glance from him and then Lan Wangji was once again fully focusing on the boy in his arms. Lan Xichen sighed internally, resolving himself to trying again. But then, he noticed that Wei Wuxian's erratic breathing had calmed down and his eyes were closed. His head had even rolled to the side and was resting on Lan Wangji's chest. He had cried himself to sleep.

Lan Xichen quickly used this situation to remind Lan Wangji that the boy should not be running around like this and should be sleeping in his bed instead: "Wangji, why do we not take Young Master Wei to his room? I am sure he needs some rest after all of this."

He looked at his brother and saw that his hands had balled into fists and he was tense all of a sudden. Lan Xichen wondered if he had once again said something wrong. This day just kept getting worse and worse. Should he perhaps not wait for the morning and depart for his investigation even this evening? He was clearly not helping anything by meddling here.

"You should stay with him until he wakes up this time," he added after a short pause in an attempt at placating the tension and as a means of assuring himself that the boy would be fine and taken care of by someone he trusted. He did not want Wei Wuxian to run around the second he would open his eyes again.

If the boy had not believed his words before, they would just have to make sure to convince him by their actions. Even if it would take longer, it would hopefully be more effective. Until then, they should keep a close eye on him and always remind him to not do anything he himself did not want to do. It would be the perfect mission for Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen was sure that his brother would take care of it with the utmost seriousness and a lot of enthusiasm.

He was glad to see that Lan Wangji's shoulders became less tense after his words. So his little brother had been worried that he would have to leave the boy's side, it was actually kind of sweet. He had truly gotten attached to Wei Wuxian completely. It could only be a good thing for both the boys so Lan Xichen had nothing to say, he did not want to possibly discourage his little brother from his self-appointed role of Wei Wuxian's protector.

As if to confirm Lan Xichen's observation, Lan Wangji nodded gravely and adjusted his hold on the sleeping boy in his arms. It was clear that he was about to carry Wei Wuxian all the way to his room. Not that Lan Xichen would object at this point so he just let him do what he wanted. When his brother stood up, Lan Xichen only opened the door for him and followed him to the boy's room.

He could not take his eyes away from the sweet and serene scene in front of him. He was glad that the boys had found their way to each other. When they were in Wei Wuxian's room, Lan Wangji did not even spare him a look and was already walking to the bed to put the boy in a more comfortable position.

Lan Xichen observed his careful and gentle actions and had to smile to himself now, Wei Wuxian would be so spoiled as soon as he would wake up that he would most probably not know what to do. When the boy was safely and comfortably tugged under the blanket, Lan Wangji took a chair from beside the table and dragged it to the bed. He sat down, took one of Wei Wuxian's hands into his own and waited without moving a muscle, his eyes never leaving Wei Wuxian's sleeping form.

Lan Xichen smiled even more now, the boy was in good hands and he had nothing more to do here. He stepped back silently, turned around and left the room. He made sure to close the door carefully so he would not disturb the two inside. He had nothing to worry about now and he could finally concentrate on his investigation. 

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