Chapter 37

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After leaving the courtyard which housed the rabbits, Mo Xuanyu led Jiang Yanli to his and A-Yuan's room. He was walking quickly but steadily, he did not want to wake the child up. If that happened, he would not be able to show Jiang Yanli around as he had offered, he would have had to take care of A-Yuan instead.

The maiden was walking by his side and was observing their surroundings and sometimes looking down at the toddler nested in Mo Xuanyu's arms which an indulgent smile. She must have liked children. And who would not? A-Yuan was simply the cutest. Mo Xuanyu was a little proud to be the one whom the child chose to take care of him out of many servants who had been put at his disposal. It was now Mo Xuanyu who spent the most time with him.

With the still sleeping A-Yuan, they finally arrived to his room and Mo Xuanyu asked Jiang Yanli to wait a little for him while he tugged the toddler to bed. The child was still sleeping soundly and he spent just a second longer looking at his adorable face.

He would have invited Jiang Yanli to see this perfect picture of cuteness and peace as well. However, he did not dare. His bed was just over on the other side of the door, and his things were also everywhere in the room, mixed with all of A-Yuan's toys and other necessities. A maiden should not see such a dirty and disorganized room. Moreover, Mo Xuanyu was a little shy and only thinking about having Jiang Yanli over in his room was making his cheeks flush. He wondered if there was not something wrong with him.

He shook his head and patted his cheeks. He should not be thinking about pointless things. He should be keeping his promise to Jiang Yanli instead. She had wished to get to know the Cloud Recesses Manor and Mo Xuanyu was only too excited to show her everything he knew. He wanted to share all his favourite sites and let Jiang Yanli know where everything was. It was great honour to be showing the mansion to such an important guest.

Deep down, Mo Xuanyu also had other reasons as well. The way Jiang Yanli was holding herself and how she took care of her brother and worried about him, Mo Xuanyu liked that very much. Not only because Wei Wuxian deserved to have at least one person who was not completely indifferent to his suffering. He also had selfish reasons.

Exactly because Jiang Yanli was sympathizing with her brother, Mo Xuanyu was secretly hoping that he could get closer to her this way. The maiden of the Lotus Pier Manor was very refined and he would normally never get to even meet her, he had never talked to her when she had been visiting in the Koi Tower Manor. Mo Xuanyu was secretly admiring her for her kindness and selfishly wished for her to bestow some upon him as well.

And now, his dream had actually come true. The very maiden he had always wanted to get closer to was waiting for him just outside of the door. Nothing could make Mo Xuanyu happier.

He schooled his expression and patted his clothes to get rid of any wrinkles. He wanted to look his best when showing her around. Only after he made sure everything was fine and A-Yuan was still sleeping did he come out of the room. He closed the door behind himself quietly, gaining himself a little bit more time to compose himself, and then he turned towards Jiang Yanli.

The maiden smiled and asked him amicably: "Young Master Mo, what should we do now?"

Mo Xuanyu was stunned for a second. It was still hard for him to believe that someone this kind was taking to him, in such a respectful manner no less. No one in the Koi Tower Manor had ever treated him like this. He was usually only the bastard son of the master of the mansion that Jin Guangshan hated for some reason. It was better to always be on his best behaviour, perform his assigned duties and clear the premises whenever he would see someone coming.

He had never learned why his own father never acknowledged him and instead let him be treated as a servant in what should have been his home. He had come to the Koi Tower Manor after his mother had sent him to become a respected and well-treated young master. However, that had never happened, Jin Guangshan had taken one look at him and he just turned away, giving everyone a clear sign that Mo Xuanyu had not been in fact welcomed.

After that, everything had gone downhill quickly. He had not been showed into any fancy rooms that his mother had promised and had been instead housed with the servants. In the morning, he had tried to ask to see his father again but everything he got for that question was a bucket of water and an old rug. He had been told to wash the floor if he had wanted to earn his keep and get something to eat for lunch. With tears in his eyes, Mo Xuanyu had done as he had been ordered.

It had been at that exact moment that he had understood he would never be accepted into the Jin family. And perhaps it had been for the better. After the death of his mother, all that had been left for him was to stay just there, he had had nowhere else to go. He had seen the Jin family members' behaviour and was now actually glad that he had not become one of them. Moreover, if he was not a servant, Lan Xichen would not have brought him to the Cloud Recesses Manor and he would have never gotten to speak with Jiang Yanli.

And now, the maiden he had only been able to admire from afar was standing in front of him and asking what they should do. Mo Xuanyu's head was spinning a little when he smiled and gave a reply: "Miss Jiang, I need to make sure someone would be looking after A-Yuan and then I will show you everything. If you could, please wait for me a little while longer. I will be right back."

Mo Xuanyu bowed slightly and he never looked back when he was all but running away from Jiang Yanli. Even this short interaction had made his heart race mysteriously and filled him with happiness. He could not believe that he would have at least another hour of this in a little while. Just after he would find the first servant that A-Yuan knew and ask them to go keep an eye on the toddler. 

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