Chapter 102

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Lan Wangji had been happy to see Wei Ying all at ease and walking by his side without any visible signs of discomfort or fear. He had relished in the image of the boy with his head not lowered down and his eyes curiously scanning his surroundings as if he had seen them for the first time. This had been so much better than the days prior when Wei Ying would not behave as his equal, only walking two steps behind him at all times, and keeping his eyes glued to the carpets.

He had been happy. Yes, and that was the correct past tense for his feelings. Because as they continued walking towards the dining hall, the brightness on the boy's face had been slowly disappearing until there was none left. His shoulders had once again become tense and his head could no longer be lifted as it would seem. Lan Wangji wondered what was to blame for this change.

He could not help himself and replayed all his own behaviour of this morning. He was trying to find the exact moment Wei Ying started acting cautious and tense again for he was convinced it must have been something he had done. Something minor onto what Lan Wangji put no importance but something that had upset or scared Wei Ying away, back to his protective shell of deference. However, for the life of him, he could not find anything wrong in any of his actions.

Neither could he pinpoint the exact moment the boy lost the shine in his eyes and his chin fell to his chest. Lan Wangji really only realized something was not right when it had already been too late.

He wanted to call out to the other, to ask him what he could do so that the small smile from the moment they had met at the door to his room would come back to Wei Ying's lips. He wanted to understand what had happened so he could avoid doing the same mistakes in the future. His mood soured as he realized that even if he was to ask, he would not get any response, much less an explanation. At least not until Wei Ying would become more at ease again and open up just like last evening. Their communication did not have to be aloud, there were other ways to understand each other.

Luckily, the boy did not regress as far as to go completely back to his initial behaviour from his first day in the Cloud Recesses Manor. Lan Wangji supposed that it was a good sign things were at least a little better than back then, but it was still a long way for him to stop worrying. Now that he knew what a happy and well at ease Wei Ying looked like, the change was only more prominent and saddening.

Lan Wangji was still trying to come up with some way to reassure the boy everything was fine and he had nothing to be afraid of. He was silently willing his voice to come out and say anything which would help in the current predicament. However, it seemed like the ease with which he had spoken last evening was nowhere to be found. He could not come up with the correct words and he was worried that if he spoke without careful deliberation, Wei Ying would misunderstand him yet again.

Thus, he kept quiet; his own distress levels were steadily growing as they were making their way to the dining room. Wei Ying by his side was silent as well and it should not have bothered Lan Wangji as much as it did. He started scowling worriedly despite trying to keep his face pleasant and reassuring. He could just not stop himself from doing so.

When they finally stood in front of the door to the dining room, he felt he was close to tears. Wei Ying had become completely guarded and no progress could be seen from his behaviour compared with yesterday morning, before things had started turning for the better. He mourned the change but was literally unable to do anything about it. At the same time, he felt a little sad that Jiang Yanli would not be able to see her brother happy during breakfast for he was afraid Wei Ying's mood and behaviour would unfortunately not lighten any time soon. Not when he was not even sure what had caused the boy to retreat back into himself like this.

In utter silence, they entered the dining room. They were the last to arrive; Lan Qiren and Jiang Yanli were already waiting for them, each with a cup of tea in their hands. It could have been simply because Lan Wangji's nerves were already on high alert but he was suddenly acutely aware of the fact that the atmosphere in the room was far from relaxed as well. This would not help with putting Wei Ying at ease, he was afraid.

Jiang Yanli and Lan Qiren were sitting at the table, but they were not looking at each other. Nor were they talking as it would be customary before breakfast was served. Lan Wangji was sure that if Lan Xichen was here, he would have been able to dissolve the tense atmosphere in a matter of a few sentences. Unfortunately, his brother was already on his way to the Lotus Pier Manor to start his investigation so he could not help this time.

It seemed like none of the others in the room could find any way to start a conversation either, they just waited for Lan Wangji and Wei Ying to come sit at the table. Only Jiang Yanli looked up when they were approaching and gave each of them a small smile. It did not look too happy though, she seemed more worried than anything else. Just what was happening with everybody this morning? And they had been doing so well yesterday!

Lan Wangji sat down with a small nod as a greeting to the two others who were already waiting for them. He relaxed a bit when despite his tense behaviour – the boy bowed too low for his greeting on top of everything else –, Wei Ying took place right next to him without needing any prompting. This was a good sign, at least he had not regressed all the way back. However, it was still far from ideal.

Lan Wangji observed Wei Ying from the corner of his eye. The other was even tenser than before and was clutching his robes tightly, hiding his hands in the folds of the fabric on his lap. He looked so nervous at the moment that Lan Wangji had a great urge to whisk him away from this room and take him back to bed where he would spoil him with a tasty breakfast. He was sure that Wei Ying would be able to relax if it would be just the two of them again.

Oh, so could it be the boy was nervous because there were other people in the room too? That was certainly possible and it could also explain why he had stopped behaving in a relaxed manner as soon as they approached the dining room. Lan Wangji looked intently at his uncle; there was no question in his mind about whose presence was making Wei Ying hide in his shell and be overly cautious and nervous. After all, he had been well at ease when Jiang Yanli had been visiting him last evening but had always kept his guard up around Lan Qiren.

The breakfast was served and they ate in a tense silence. Lan Wangji was still shooting discreet glances between his uncle and Wei Ying. His uneasiness only grew when he noticed that Lan Qiren's expression was rigid, bordering with strict. He immediately started fearing his uncle was displeased with the boy yet again for whatever reason and was about to possibly scold him. He could not allow that.

When they finished eating – and he had not tasted anything he ate, he was too preoccupied with his uncle's dislike for Wei Ying – Lan Qiren turned towards him. Why had the situation become like this? Had his uncle not been supportive of the boy just the day before? Had he not even proposed for him to attend study time together with him? Lan Wangji's fists immediately clenched as he was expecting harsh words or reprimands on Wei Ying's account. He was sure that although Lan Qiren had helped when the situation had called for it and had sent Su Minshan away, he was far from being Wei Ying's biggest fan or protector.

Before Lan Wangji could say anything though, it was his uncle who shifted his eyes towards Wei Ying and ordered with a stern voice: "Wei Wuxian, please come with me to my office."

The boy flinched, badly, and Lan Wangji could have sworn Lan Qiren winced in discomfort after seeing this reaction. It was too brief to be sure though.

Lan Wangji was ready to step up against the elder and tell him to mind his tone when Wei Ying was in the room. It would simply not do to frighten the boy any more. He was still worried that Wei Ying's fragile trust in a better future could be trampled to dust any second. What was Lan Qiren thinking, wanting to scold him first thing in the morning? Lan Wangji would not allow this if he could help it. He opened his mouth, not even too sure what he wanted to say, but just adamant to help Wei Ying somehow.

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