Chapter 55

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When Lan Qiren proposed that Wei Ying should take lesson together with him, Lan Wangji felt his heart jump out of his chest. He could not believe that his uncle would suggest this after he had been so adamant about not having Wei Ying nowhere near him when he would be studying. It seemed like Lan Qiren had also thoroughly changed because of discovering the boy's past.

That was however only half of the reason why he was so happy and excited all of a sudden. He had witnessed how grateful Wei Ying had been to be offered a possibility of reading. He could only imagine how he would react to being told that he could study even more if he wanted.

Granted that Lan Wangji could not be sure that the boy liked studying but from how sincerely and excitedly he was treating books, he must have at least have some relation to it. Jiang Yanli had also told them that he had once upon the time lived on the streets and had been thriving when he had been allowed to study. Unfortunately, that period had been much too short.

Lan Wangji now wanted to help the boy adjust to learning and discovering the world once again. Just as Lan Qiren had said, Wei Ying had missed a lot, but he was determined to help him catch up. He already could not wait to see the boy's hopefully excited face upon hearing the good news. He would also be able to spend much time with him and keep an eye on him.

Moreover, Lan Qiren was right in one thing, it would be good for the boy's recovery. While studying, Wei Ying would not be able to think about any servant duties, Lan Wangji would not let him. This would mean, at least in the plan that Lan Wangji was already putting together, that he would be more susceptible to forget his subservient nature and believe he was not a servant anymore but a young master, Lan Wangji's equal.

This could perhaps be the best for the boy's recovery really. Lan Wangji had been worried how he would be able to take care of Wei Ying when he would have to take his lessons, now this worry was not relevant anymore. He did not know if he had ever been this grateful to his uncle for anything in his life.

Lan Qiren was looking at him with something akin to nervousness in his eyes. A face that Lan Wangji was sure he had never seen on him before. Meeting Wei Ying and learning about his terrible past must have truly been a hard blow for Lan Qiren. One which apparently made him reconsider his point of view on the boy, and perhaps also on other things as well.

Lan Qiren coughed a little awkwardly before adding: "Once he is feeling better of course."

Lan Wangji realized that his uncle was still waiting for any reaction from his side. Since meeting Wei Ying, he had understood how nerve-wracking it could be to be faced with someone else's silence. He did not want to make him wait anymore, he needed and wanted to show how grateful he was, both on his own and for Wei Ying.

"Thank you, Uncle."

Although his reply was short, he poured everything he had into it. He was satisfied that it sounded sincere. Hopefully, Lan Qiren would understand the depths of his current feelings. Lan Wangji was happy, overjoyed even, about what he would be able to experience with Wei Ying by his side.


Jiang Yanli was watching the heart touching exchange being played out in front of her. It was the first time she saw Lan Wangji and Lan Qiren interact in this way, like a true family. It was a nice change from this morning when everyone had been acting almost frostily, supposedly due to the high running emotions. It was such a domestic scene that she wanted to cry.

In the Lotus Pier Manor, things would often escalate and either her father, her mother or Jiang Cheng would sour the atmosphere. There were not so many moments like these. She was almost jealous. She was pitying Wei Wuxian now; her brother had to wait on them when they were having a more or less family time, it must have been hard for him. Just as it was now not easy for her to be just an observer who did not know how to make himself disappear in order not to ruin the peaceful scene.

She made herself not think about any of this. Why should she be getting emotional just because of seeing Lan Wangji thanking Lan Qiren so tenderly for allowing Wei Wuxian to pick up studying? Then again, she was not feeling any different than the second young master of the Cloud Recesses Manor. She also wanted to thank Lan Qiren for this suggestion.

It was something she would have never dared to even inquire about on her own. She had just assumed that the Lans would take Wei Wuxian as a servant. Of course, they would treat him better than in any other household he had been in until now, but still like a servant. She could almost not believe that they were offering him this opportunity.

Who would ever let their servants study together with the young masters? That was unheard of. Of course, it happened in some households that servants were taught how to read and write, but it was mostly done so they could accomplish their duties and to show the status and wealth of the family. However, when it came to Wei Wuxian, she could not shake off a feeling that it was a different case. Why else would the Lans offer him to study together with Lan Wangji? He already knew how to read and write, even though it had been a long time since he had last needed those skills.

Wei Wuxian was never allowed to read or write anything in the Lotus Pier Manor, he was never assigned any duties which would require him to do so. He only ever did hard labour and whichever duties the other servants did not like. If not that, he waited on Yu Ziyuan or Jiang Cheng as a personal servant. The rest of the time, he spent outside of the Lotus Pier Manor, serving in other households where his situation had unfortunately not been any different.

At least Jiang Yanli assumed so after her conversation with Mo Xuanyu. Once upon a time, she had believed Wei Wuxian had perhaps been treated at least a little better when he was not in the Lotus Pier Manor. It had always been easier and less sad to imagine that he was doing better elsewhere than to assume that his situation was so horrible all the time. Now though, that hope had disappeared with just a few words from Mo Xuanyu.

At least now, Wei Wuxian would finally be able to start his studies again. Jiang Yanli was sure he would be beside himself with joy when he would learn about this. He had always been a good student, intelligent and curious one, thirsting for answers to everything and wanting to discover the whole world. His previous chance at education had been cut short, but this one would surely be much better. The fact that Lan Wangji would be by Wei Wuxian's side all the time was soothing as well. Her brother had truly much to look forward to even if he did not know it yet.

Jiang Yanli stood up and offered both Lan Qiren and Lan Wangji a deep bow: "Thank you for your kind offer. I am certain my brother will be overjoyed."

Lan Qiren looked a little bothered by her actions and he waved his hand dismissively: "No need for thanks, it is natural. We want Wei Wuxian to be Wangji's companion, that had been the agreement from the very beginning."

Jiang Yanli only nodded to show her understanding and sat back down. In her mind though, she was still extremely grateful for the way the Lans were treating her brother and being considerate towards him. Wei Wuxian deserved to have someone to take care of him and show him that his life had worth even if he did not work himself to the bone as a servant.

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