Chapter 116

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Jiang Yanli could not keep herself from smiling. It seemed like things were finally turning for the better for her brother. She had been somewhat shocked that Lan Qiren apologized to Wei Wuxian, she had not expected that. And especially if he was saying that he should have acted earlier. She herself had such thoughts all the time but it was somewhat hard to believe that she was not the only one who was beating herself over the fact that her brother could have found a sanctuary way earlier if she had acted.

Nevertheless, this was not about her. She knew she would never truly forget herself for not gathering enough courage over the years and just continuing watching Wei Wuxian withering away day after day. However, all of this was now in the past. She could regret her inaction, but she could not do anything about it in the present. Well, nothing aside for supporting her brother to the best of her abilities in the future and helping him become happier and live a better life.

That was something that the Lans and now also Lan Qiren specifically had offered to Wei Wuxian. She was glad her brother would finally be able to step out of his enforced behaviour and have the Lans treat him as he deserved. As he had always deserved, with respect and kindness and understanding. There will no longer be any punishments or harsh words for Wei Wuxian to endure in silence. And she was eternally glad for this.

She hoped that with the reassurance from Lan Qiren, he would now finally fully believe that the Lans were indeed offering him help and sanctuary and did not plan to ever send him back to the Lotus Pier Manor. Oh, how her brother had needed to hear those exact words! Even if she had told him a million times herself, he would have doubted. But coming directly from the master of the Cloud Recesses Manor, surely there was no other possibility for him but to believe.

She chanced a glance at Wei Wuxian from the corner of her eye. She had been avoiding looking at her brother, too afraid to see rejection or fear on his face even after everything that had just been said. She knew that he had always tried to protect himself by not believing anything good would ever happen to him, but right now, she was terrified of the prospects that this mindset could win over his mind and make it impossible for Wei Wuxian to trust Lan Qiren's promises.

Luckily, it did not seem to be the case and she gave out a long and agonizing sigh of relief. She had often been amazed by how strong her brother was. Anyone else would have already broken into a million pieces under the strain and harshness of what he had been through. They would have retreated into themselves, unable to bear the suffering of their everyday lives. Not Wei Wuxian however, he was the strongest person Jiang Yanli had even known.

He endured everything but he still stayed pure and kind in his soul despite her family's efforts to break him down. And the best example of this was the fact that he was still willing to trust anyone in this world which had only given him pain and suffering. She was amazed that there was still a part of him which he was willing to show to the outside world and take a wager that he would not be hurt anymore.

She held his hand a little tighter and watched as he turned towards Lan Wangji and looked the older boy directly in the eyes. It made her hide a small sob, she was beyond happy that her brother had finally found someone who he was comfortable being around with and trusted enough to seek reassurance from him freely. She was silently thanking Lan Wangji for being that person and also for being ready to give abundantly exactly what Wei Wuxian needed.

The two boys were staring at each other for a long time. Although Jiang Yanli could not see either of their faces, she was still convinced that there was a whole silent conversation happening between them right now. She had no idea how exactly they had become so close so quickly, but all she felt was gratitude that it was the case. Wei Wuxian really needed someone he was comfortable with and who was this ready to stand by his side in good and bad.

They actually looked kind of cute as they were standing there, supporting each other. She could not help herself but to smile, she was glad for both of them. Especially since she had seen last evening that it had not been only Wei Wuxian who was relying on Lan Wangji for reassurance and protection, but also Lan Wangji who was happy to offer both. It seemed like they were akin to soulmates, they had searched the world until they found each other. They looked like they were in their own world and were perfectly happy there. And she was happy for them.

When they finally turned to face Lan Qiren again and she could see their faces at last, her smile became even wider. It was indisputable that they had both gained strength from each other. They were now smiling too; Lan Wangji only just barely and if she had not been paying attention to it and had not employed a bit of imagination and wishful thinking, she would have missed it, and Wei Wuxian was giving Lan Qiren a very shy smile, but all that more sincere and filled with happiness and gratitude.

It warmed her heart that he was very clearly finally ready to accept the help the Lans were offering. At last, after a decode of suffering, Wei Wuxian found someone who could support him and protect him from the harshness of a life of a servant. And most importantly, he was now ready to accept this help and support.

Jiang Yanli discreetly wiped a tear from her cheek. She could really not hold back her happiness anymore. She was happy for her brother and she was convinced that everything would be only good for him from now on. There was no doubt in her mind that Lan Wangji would do anything to make this happen. And she would try her best as well, after all, she was Wei Wuxian's sister and finally had a chance to truly stand by his side and offer her support without fearing he would suffer for her actions.

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