Chapter 104

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When Lan Qiren saw Wei Wuxian's reaction to his invitation, his heart sank. Clearly, even if he had tried his hardest and had only the boy's well-being in mind, he had still done something wrong. He could not quite tell what though.

Was it his words which had made Wei Wuxian panic? It could be, for everything Lan Qiren knew about him. Although he had been very careful with his choice of words, even added a 'please' to show Wei Wuxian respect and made them not sound like an order, it was apparently still too direct. He was silently berating himself, especially after the boy become so hunched into himself that he actually looked half his normal size.

Or had it been the setting in which he had spoken? Should he had perhaps not demanded Wei Wuxian to come to his office this early in the day? Perhaps he should have given him some more time after breakfast so he would become more at ease. Then again, that would not have worked as he had promised the boy that he could attend study sessions together with Lan Wangji and they were about to start very soon. If he was going through with this, he should not be making Wei Wuxian late for his first day of studying.

Or, a third possibility was born in Lan Qiren's mind, could the boy be overreacting because he did not like him and their past had been quite turbulent? This could also be the reason, on its own or just accompanying any of the others really. Truth to be told, he had not been approaching Wei Wuxian with open mind and he had only ever scowled at him and scolded him. Of course the boy would be afraid of him.

That was also what he had discussed just yesterday with his older nephew. If Lan Xichen was here, he would for sure be able to tell him what exactly he had done wrong and would advise him on how to remedy his behaviour. However, his nephew was already gone, on his way to the Lotus Pier Manor to conduct an investigation on the Jiangs. And there was no way Lan Qiren was waiting for his return just to be able to speak to Wei Wuxian. He should be able to get through to the boy even on his own.

Then, he remembered one more advice he had gotten from his older nephew. A little too late, but better than never, he supposed. He should invite Lan Wangji to come to his office as well. Since Wei Wuxian was more at ease in his younger nephew's presence, this should do the trick and make him at least a little calmer. Lan Qiren had no idea how exactly his nephew achieved this feat, nevertheless, he should take advantage of it. If Wei Wuxian was able to relax when Lan Wangji was by his side, then that was what Lan Qiren needed.

He felt agitated from the lack of sleep and his budding headache. Moreover, he was very aware that Lan Wangji was glaring at him furiously with more visible emotions than Lan Qiren had ever seen on his face. It must have truly angered him that he had scared Wei Wuxian, even unknowingly. Well, Lan Qiren had to admit, Lan Wangji was right in a sense. He should have been more careful and should have planned everything better.

He should have made sure to invite his younger nephew to his office at the same as Wei Wuxian. Perhaps in that way, the boy would have not started panicking, surely imagining only the worst coming from him. Lan Qiren winced internally, Wei Wuxian had all the reasons to be afraid he would be scolded again or perhaps even punished. And it was all on Lan Qiren's own head, he should have never misjudged the boy this much.

"Wei Ying..." he could hear Lan Wangji's soft attempt at coaxing the boy. It did nothing to improve the situation though, Wei Wuxian remained hunched into himself, seemingly lost in his own world of terror. It truly was a pitiful picture: both Lan Wangji who was looking pained at not being able to help the other and Wei Wuxian who was hyperventilating in his panic.

Lan Qiren was trying his best here, but it still did not look like it was enough. Well, he was not about to run away from the battlefield upon the first problem, he still had many things he wanted to tell Wei Wuxian. Not only because he wanted to sincerely apologize, he also wanted to reassure the boy that he would be protected here in the Cloud Recesses Manor and that he should not fear the Jiangs anymore. While he was certain Wei Wuxian had already heard those words at least once, from Lan Xichen, and most probably from his other nephew as well, it would not hurt to say them again anyway.

And again, and again, and again, if necessary, he had to believe them, he had to believe Lan Qiren in order to hopefully agree to restart their relationship on better terms. It truly hurt him deep down to see Wei Wuxian in such a scared and panicky state just because he was in the room and decided to tell him something.

He took a deep, steadying breath and closed his eyes for just a second. He had messed up the first time he had opened his mouth, he could not fail again. He made sure his voice was as quiet and pleasant to hear as he could possibly accomplish. It had been years since he had to reassure anyone. Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji had not needed it for a long time now and he usually left his older nephew to care about the abused servants they took in into the Cloud Recesses Manor.

He was feeling a bit foolish when his tone came out as sweet as if he was coaxing a small child: "Wangji, you come too,"

He could not even tell if Wei Wuxian could hear anything right now and if he was not just making a fool of himself when speaking in this kind of voice with his almost adult nephew. However, he was not about to risk aggravating the situation anymore.

Wei Wuxian must have been listening after all it seemed as immediately when the words left Lan Qiren's mouth, the boy started trembling even more. He shot to his feet and bowed to him, much like that first day when he had come to the Cloud Recesses Manor. Lan Qiren's eyes went wider and he sighed internally, this was not going in a good direction no matter how much he was trying. He just could not get to him in this way.

He was starting to question himself whether the conversation which was ahead of him would even have the desired effect or if he would ruin all his chances with the boy. Nevertheless, he was still determined to go through with it. He believed Wei Wuxian deserved to hear a proper apology from his lips, regardless of the outcome of that conversation.

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