Chapter 112

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Lan Wangji stood by Wei Ying's side and his heart was swelling with pride. Not only was the boy not bowing anymore, he also appeared a lot calmer. At least for the moment being. Lan Wangji was happy that Lan Qiren had apparently realized that the way he had spoken with Wei Ying the first time this morning had not been the correct one and was now using a lot softer tone, without any edges or strictness.

He was glad both for the boy himself as he would finally be able to hopefully start listening to Lan Qiren and for his uncle as well. He should probably not be rooting so much for the elder, seeing how angry he had been with him just moments ago for scaring the boy. He however could not help himself. This was something he knew Wei Ying needed, and he was not able to deny him anything at all.

As for his uncle, Lan Wangji hoped this would also be a good experience to really see that the boy was nothing but good. Although it seemed like all the elder's preconceptions of him had all but disappeared, he still needed to see to which extend exactly he had wronged him.

Even if an apology was impossible, Lan Wangji wanted his uncle to realize his mistakes and start acting differently when Wei Ying was in the room. It would just not do if the boy would not be able to believe in them anymore just because Lan Qiren would be headstrong and refuse to change his ways. He was not sure to what lengths his uncle was willing to do all of this, but from the frowning and thoughtful, even a bit hesitant expression, Lan Wangji could tell he was at least thinking along these lines.

That was good, he did no longer have to worry about Lan Qiren. Whatever would happen would surely not be worse than the scare he had gotten earlier. Now though, how could he help Wei Ying to listen to his uncle without jumping to the worst conclusions possible and misunderstanding his every word?

He was sure he knew what his uncle wanted to say and it was imperative that the boy heard him out. Lan Wangji was already looking forward to how happy it would make Wei Ying feel to be told he could pick up his studies again. He had seen him enjoy a single book so much, he could not wait to witness his sparkling eyes and awe at being accorded access to all the libraries and knowledge the Cloud Recesses Manor had to offer.

And most importantly, he could not wait to be able to spend all day long together with him. It had only been three days since the boy had arrived to live in the mansion with them, but it certainly felt like a lot longer. So much had happened since that first moment the Jiang family came through the gates. Lan Wangji could simply not imagine not spending every moment with Wei Ying. Perhaps he had gotten too attached too quickly, but he did not care at all. He wanted to see the boy smiling and being as free as he wanted, he would not give up this sight for the anything in the world.

Almost unconsciously, his right hand moved and before he realized it, it was laid on Wei Ying's forearm. Upon realizing he had done something like this, he froze for a fraction of a second, afraid he had perhaps startled the boy. But nothing happened, which was good. Lan Wangji relaxed and was immediately relieved.

He did not realize it until now, but he wanted to offer support in any way he could. He had seen how Jiang Yanli's proximity helped Wei Ying in calming down, that had been why he came to stand by his side as well. And now, it seemed he was copying the maiden of the Lotus Pier Manor again. He should really learn more from her about how to make Wei Ying more at ease, she was so good at it. It was almost magical.

Nothing could make him happier than feeling the muscles of the boy's forearm relaxing under his gentle touch. He was amazed how quick it was; from one moment to another, Wei Ying even straightened his shoulders the tiniest bit. It would not have been noticeable if Lan Wangji had not watched him as attentively as he had. Nevertheless, the change was like summer arriving in a single instant after a too long winter.

His heart melted, he had done well, he should listen to his heart more and not fight his instincts anymore. After all, it had been them who had helped him to open up and talk with Wei Ying yesterday evening. He was always thinking way too much before doing anything and it was hindering his interaction with the boy. It had always given too much space for misinterpretation and allowed time for overthinking. Lan Wangji thought he should really try to be more spontaneous when it came to him.

Reassured that Wei Ying was doing fine and was ready to hear the good news Lan Qiren was about to tell him, Lan Wangji turned to look at his uncle. He was not frowning anymore at him. Not that he had forgotten how angry he had been a minute ago, it was just that he could see his uncle was trying, really hard too. There was a strange look in his eyes and after living his whole life in the same home, this was the first Lan Wangji saw anything like that.

He was wondering how he should interpret such an expression. What he was currently sure of was that Lan Qiren was not about to scold Wei Ying or anything similar. This knowledge was the only thing keeping him from warning his uncle that he should be careful. It seemed like Lan Qiren knew that already. He had realized it too, if it had been in the last second. And way too late for Lan Wangji's liking. But still, better late than never.

Now, he was silently asking his uncle to start speaking soon. They could not afford to let Wei Ying spiral down into his insecurities again. The moment was delicate and no one realized it as much as Lan Wangji.

And Lan Qiren it would seem. The elder cleared his throat awkwardly and stood up from his seat. Lan Wangji's eyes darted to Wei Ying, checking his reaction. Luckily, it did not seem like he had been frightened or had become more nervous than he already had been. He remained standing, waiting for Lan Qiren's next move.

The elder joined his hands behind his back and took another step closer. Usually, such a gesture would appear strict, but right at this moment, Lan Wangji had a feeling his uncle was actually nervous and was trying to find his bearing. He did not understand, what was Lan Qiren preparing for?

Then, Lan Wangji's mouth fell open with surprise when he heard his uncle apologize perhaps for the first time in his life, or at least for the first time since he could remember.

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