Chapter 82

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Lan Wangji was making his way back to Wei Ying's room. He had already calmed down considerably and was now actually embarrassed because of his previous flight from there. He did not know what had made him flee so quickly; what he knew however was that he must have shocked and perhaps even scared Wei Ying with his behaviour.

He frowned to himself, this would not do. He needed to be more considerate of his actions in the future. He was glad that the boy was finally trusting him enough to relax around him and start acting as any other person. He did not want to destroy this hopeful progress with his own hands. He had decided to be there for Wei Ying at all times, which would be impossible if he would be running away from his side like this.

For this reason, he was now hurrying back to Wei Ying's room, a tray of food in his hands. He had made a trip to the kitchen and had requested dinner for the boy and himself. Of course, he could have had it delivered but he welcomed the short wait which helped him calm down.

On his way from the kitchen, a bad feeling was growing in his guts. He could not tell what exactly it tried to warn him about, only that it was somehow related to the boy. He quickened his pace considerably, not quite running but certainly walking fast enough to earn a scowl from his uncle should he encounter him. Not that he would let himself be stopped at a time like this. Something was happening to Wei Ying and he needed to go back to him and help in any way he could.

When he arrived to the door of the boy's room, he froze in his steps for a second. It was faint but there were sniffling noises coming from the inside. Lan Wangji was alarmed at once. Someone was crying and he knew exactly who he had left all alone in the room.

Before he could start berating himself or hesitate, he already shifted the tray of food to hold it with only one hand. The position was a little precarious and he should have worried that he would spill something or let go of the food altogether. However, the only thing he could concentrate on was the sound of crying and thus the knowledge that Wei Ying was in distress.

He spared only a time of a single heartbeat to make one knock at the door, and he opened it. What he saw inside made him stop in his tracks. Not only was Wei Ying crying – silently though – and looking in pain, but there was also another person in the room who was perhaps in even more distress than the boy himself. Jiang Yanli was sitting on the bed with her head hidden in her palms. She looked, just like Wei Ying, like a perfect picture of misery. It had been her whom Lan Wangji had heard through the door.

He watched the scene in front of him with wide open eyes full of concern. Just what had happened here? What had made the siblings burst out in tears and cry this pitifully? Those were definitely not tears of happiness.

Lan Wangji quickly steeled himself. If he would start panicking, he would not be able to accomplish anything. He crossed the room in just a few steps and put the food on the table. He was still adamant on having dinner with Wei Ying in his room. As soon as the situation would calm down enough to concentrate on food that was. Then, he quickly made his way to the bed.

Jiang Yanli had already noticed him and she lifted her teary face to look at him. "Young Master Lan, I am sorry..." she whispered almost inaudibly, her voice quivering as if it could give out with every word. Lan Wangji looked at her with inquiring eyes. He wanted to ask what had happened but he could not quite formulate the question aloud. His gaze was constantly shifting towards Wei Ying; he was worried about him as the boy apparently did not register his presence at all.

Luckily, Jiang Yanli was very skilled in reading people's expressions it would seem, she must have had a lot of experience with communicating with her brother after all. She shook her head, a little lost, but explained nevertheless: "I do not know what have triggered A-Xian to be like this. I only came to talk to him and then... I just wanted to reassure him that he would not be sent back to the Lotus Pier Manor."

Lan Wangji nodded. He did not blame her; it would have been meaningless. Moreover, he had already experienced this himself. He knew perfectly well how powerless and angry with himself he had felt when Wei Ying would overreact because of something he had done in good faith. It was just, should Jiang Yanli not know better which triggers to not pull at? Had she not been aware which topics she should leave alone when talking with her brother?

Lan Wangji did not lose another second and he turned to Wei Ying. If even Jiang Yanli did not know what exactly had triggered him this time, then he would just have to try his best at reassuring the boy and offering all the comfort the other needed. Lan Wangji kneeled by the bed and looked up at him.

"Wei Ying?" he called him in a calm and gentle voice, hoping to snap the boy from his distressed state.

In truth, he had not expected Wei Ying to react to him on the first try. He had been afraid that it would take a long time to get through to him, especially seeing how distressed the other was. To his surprise though, as soon as the name left his lips, Wei Ying's head shot up and he looked directly at him. Lan Wangji was shocked and relieved all at once.

There was no fear in the boy's eyes, only an endless amount of tentative hope and a single question. Remembering what Jiang Yanli had just said about coming to reassure Wei Ying, the question was as clear as day and Lan Wangji could read it with as much certainty as if the boy was screaming it at him: It is true? Wei Ying seemed to need the answer to that question desperately, almost as if his life depended on it. Lan Wangji was only too eager to oblige.

With all the sincerity he had in his heart and all the hope that the boy would believe him, he reassured: "Mn. Wei Ying, you will not be send back to the Lotus Pier Manor. We will not let the Jiangs force you to go back either. If you want, you can stay here as my friend and part of the Lan family. We will protect you... I will protect you."

For the first time since Lan Wangji could remember words came easily to him. It was an amazing feeling to be able to express himself this clearly. He just spoke what was in his heart; nothing more and nothing less. His little speech was simple, but heartfelt. If this would not get through to Wei Ying, nothing would. Lan Wangji was burning holes into the boy to see his reaction, he felt like this was the most crucial moment he had ever experienced.

He was relieved almost to tears when it finally came. Wei Ying blinked once, twice and then positively shone. Lan Wangji could not describe it in another words. All the tension and distress were immediately gone and the boy straightened himself and eased his hands which had been until then firmly wrapped around his chest. His eyes were shining and twinkling, full of adoration and gratitude. And the best of all, there was a huge grin on his face that was so blinding Lan Wangji was not sure he would ever be able to see anything else clearly.

He let out a relieved sigh. He had not even realized just how tense he had been, only when all that tension and stress had left him, did he feel lighter, as if an immense weight was lifted from his heart. It seemed that at last, he had managed to get through to Wei Ying and there was nothing in the world which would make him happier.

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