Chapter 90

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Lan Wangji was sitting on the only chair in the room and watching Wei Ying happily eating his dinner with a great appetite. He had been worried the boy would look at him with suspicion as last time he had tried to do something for him. Or that he would pull away from him, lower his head and be extremely bothered. After all, Wei Ying was still shy when accepting kindness, so very unused to it that it was painful to see and know.

However, the boy surprised him greatly when he remained completely relaxed and was even smiling as Lan Wangji served him his dinner. He did not wait for any permission aside for the second young master of the Cloud Recesses joining him so they could start eating together. All throughout the meal, although Wei Ying's head was lowered, Lan Wangji did not have the same feeling he had had before when eating together with him. The boy was enjoying himself without a doubt, not tense in the slightest.

Such an incredible change was worth praising and admiring. Even after everything that had been done to him, all the conditioning Wei Ying must have still been fighting even now in order for him to not tense up and accept kindness, it truly was awe-inspiring. Lan Wangji had never seen anyone this strong in his entire life. He could not stop smiling while eating, he was very proud of Wei Ying for making it this far.

His heart melted even more when the boy finished his meal. There had been a small dish of strawberries prepared for him. Lan Wangji had not forgotten that they were apparently one of the boy's favourites and had requested the kitchen staff to prepare some for him. He had been looking forward to seeing Wei Ying enjoying them just like before.

He was however shocked speechless as the boy picked up the bowl and offered it to him. Wei Ying's head remained slightly lowered, but it was tilted to a side and it was clear he was observing him attentively. Lan Wangji was wondering what was wrong. Why would the boy not finish his dinner and give the rest to him instead? Worry flashed through his mind, he was afraid he had somehow offended the boy or scared him and caused him to retreat back to his protective shell.

It took a second for Lan Wangji to realize he should not be worried. Looking closer, Wei Ying was actually watching at him with an air of expectation. Almost as if he was offering the strawberries to Lan Wangji to see his reaction. It took another second for the situation to become clear: the boy wanted to share the best part of his meal with him. He must have noticed that Lan Wangji had not requested any fruit – he was normally not used to indulging himself in sugary stuff – for himself and wanted them both to enjoy a little dessert.

But with how sincerely Wei Ying was offering, Lan Wangji could not just reject him. So instead, he accepted gracefully. His sincere "Thank you" had just the effect he had hoped for: it made Wei Ying give him that blinding smile of his, still so rare on his face.

Only when he took one piece of the fruit from the bowl and started eating it, did the boy acquire a strawberry of his own and ate it with visible delight. He did not move to pick up another one after that, only after Lan Wangji took his second one, it seemed like Wei Ying was really adamant on sharing. It was very endearing and sweet and also the best bowl of strawberries Lan Wangji had ever eaten.

After they had finished, he cleaned the now empty dishes to the side, secretly delighted that Wei Ying had eaten his fill this time. Ever since coming to the Cloud Recesses Manor, there had almost always been some disturbance whenever they had a meal and the boy had not been able to eat to his heart's content in peace.

As Lan Wangji was putting the tray away on the table, he was wondering what should be done next. It was still quite early to go to bed but already late to do anything else aside for preparing before the curfew. He knew Wei Ying needed his rest and wanted him to sleep some more, however, he was not sure the boy would appreciate it all that much seeing how he had already spent almost the whole day napping. But what else should be done?

He suddenly noticed a bowl of water and a towel prepared on the table for the morning freshening up. At that exact moment a terrible thought hit him. He had thought he had taken care of the boy's every need, unfortunately, he had been sorely mistaken. He was now beating himself up over it; Wei Ying had surely not had a proper hot bath since coming to the Cloud Recesses Manor!

Lan Wangji was certain of this fact. The boy has only been opening up to him today and had been stressed out the rest of the time. He would not have asked anyone to prepare a bath for him. And he would most probably also not prepare one for himself either. He was still too shy in the aspects of asking for anything and accepting what was offered.

Although Lan Xichen had hinted that he could call some servants over to help him set up a bath, Lan Wangji could not imagine Wei Ying doing so. It was more believable that the boy had only cleaned himself with what he had been provided, meaning that basin of cold water and a single small towel. Once again, Lan Wangji's heart was hurting for the other.

He however did his best to not appear shaken when he turned around and faced Wei Ying calmly. He wanted to remedy his mistake, or omission if you want to call it like that. If the boy would not ask for a bath himself, then Lan Wangji would provide it without being requested to. Or more precisely, he would not ask whether the boy wanted one or not. In his eyes, it was a given, Wei Ying would enjoy it, which Lan Wangji supposed he should as he had had a fever and surely it must feel uncomfortable being all sticky with sweat.

"Would Wei Ying want to read while a bath will be prepared for him?" he temped with something he knew Wei Ying would not reject.

He had been right, although it took the boy a while to agree. At first, Wei Ying's mouth fell open in surprise, it was very adorable, and it took him a moment to gather himself. Only then did his face brighten with a smile and he nodded his confirmation. Lan Wangji was satisfied and went to give him his book.

The boy opened it as soon as it was in his hands and was already eagerly devouring each word when Lan Wangji left the room in search of a servant who could prepare Wei Ying a bath. He found one quickly enough and soon, a steaming hot bath and perfumed soaps and oils were prepared in the boy's room. Lan Wangji was grateful that Wei Ying had not once been disturbed from his reading. Lan Wangji was not sure he was ready to deal with anymore high emotions right now.

When everything was set, he went to the bed and gently roused Wei Ying from his reading, afraid the bath would go cold if he waited for the boy to notice that everything was ready himself. 

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