Chapter 10

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I have just realized while writing this chapter that Jiang Yanli actually does not know yet who Mo Xuanyu is (he had never introduced himself to her). So, I have changed the way she addresses him here and in chapter 4 as well. Sorry for any confusion. I hope you will enjoy reading :)

Jiang Yanli saw that her brother was once again in a tight spot. Not that it was actually Lan Wangji's fault, not entirely. She was a little sad that he could not explain the situation clearly so Wei Wuxian would not tense up like that when the other had stood up. But she really could not blame anyone but her parents for this, they had been the ones to bring up her brother to behave in this way.

A lifetime of bad experiences could not be overwritten just like that, not even when they were talking about the Lans who had admittedly already worked wonders. Her heart was heavy as she was asking herself if her brother would one day be able to forget his past and act as any other person. She did not like to see him this overly cautious and overthinking everything.

However, she had no right to say anything. She had let this happen as well, she had never truly stopped her parents from using Wei Wuxian as they saw fit, she would never forgive herself for that. She knew that it served nothing to blame herself right now, it was way too late to help her brother out of a tight spot. He was also already safe so there was no need for her to start protecting him at this point. She could leave that to Lan Wangji who seemed pretty fiercely protective of Wei Wuxian.

She could tell that the second young master of the Cloud Recesses Manor had realised his mistake in startling her brother, perhaps even outright scaring him. Wei Wuxian was now standing still in front of him, visibly not knowing what he should do about the toddler in his arms and worrying what his master wanted him to do when he had said to follow him.

It was truly a pitiful display how her brother reacted. She wanted him to relax at last, she needed him to believe the Lans who had said they would not hurt him and promised they would let him stay in the Cloud Recesses Manor as long as he would want to. She was not sure however, if he had believed them. It took her some time to understand that even she was welcomed in their home so she could escape her family and be closer to Wei Wuxian in order to help him in his recovery.

She really had to talk to him and explain to him everything again so he would believe at last and relax. Now did not seem like a good time though, not when Lan Wangji wanted to take him somewhere and when he was this confused about where to put A-Yuan.

She was just about to stand up and go take the child from his arms to calm him down at least a little bit. It would not be much but it was better than sitting idly on the side-lines and watching her brother struggle even with the most basic decisions.

She could tell what he was thinking and it was making her sad. He wanted to come to her and the child's caretaker and entrust the toddler to their care. But he was afraid to do so when the one who he believed was his master was waiting for him to follow. It must have looked like a true deadlock in his eyes even though it would have been such an easy decision for anyone else. That he was hesitating even in this was the truly heart-breaking part.

Before she could stand up and go to him however, the boy she had met this morning was way ahead of her. He let go of her hand which she immediately regretted for reasons that were a mystery to her, and he quickly walked towards Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian and A-Yuan. Bless him for being this considerate and for seeing through her brother's unease despite Wei Wuxian's mastery attempt at concealing it. It seemed that not only Lan Wangji was on a quest to take care of her brother.

She was close to starting to cry again. She could not help herself when watching such a scene of kindness and care that Wei Wuxian only hardly even experienced. Although he looked pretty startled when the other boy approached him to take A-Yuan from his hands, he immediately relaxed after realizing that the child's caretaker just wanted to help him. Jiang Yanli's vision actually blurred at the sight of her brother easily passing the toddler to the other seemingly without a care in the world.

She could not even start to imagine how much courage and trust this simple act carried with it. She was too far away to really see his expression but she could tell from the way his tense posture became immediately more relaxed and from his head slightly tilting to the side, almost unnoticeably if she did not know what to look for, so he would be able to glance at Lan Wangji. At least he was not nervous or scared anymore.

"Wei Ying, let us go to the library," said Lan Wangji afterwards, now looking at her brother intently.

Jian Yanli wanted to run to Wei Wuxian and hug him. She was so happy for him at the moment. She knew that long ago, when he had been young and allowed to study together with Jiang Cheng, Wei Wuxian loved reading about the vast world outside of the Lotus Pier Manor. If she was not mistaken, Lan Wangji was now offering him the opportunity to pick up this leisurely activity once again and to continue learning about the world, about all its beauty that he had never had the chance to witness himself.

Wei Wuxian's reaction to his world was actually almost funny if she had not known that he was not faking or exaggerating his reaction. Even from this far away, she could see how he positively brightened and lifted his head just a little bit, apparently beyond himself with surprise. She would not hold it against him for not believing that Lan Wangji was offering him another nice activity for him to enjoy. He must have been thinking that he had heard wrong.

Lan Wangji's expression was pure honesty and after a second, Wei Wuxian bowed to him in what Jiang Yanli could only describe as unfiltered gratitude. She was sure that none of his previous masters including her own family had ever given him such an offer. He must have been beyond himself with happiness now that he had apparently concluded that the second young master of the Cloud Recesses Manor was not playing any tricks on him and was offering leisurely time in earnest.

Jiang Yanli was happy for her brother. Although she had wanted to talk to him as soon as possible, she thought that now was not a good time, not when he was looking forward to spending time in the library so much. Their conversation could wait a little longer, perhaps she would be able to talk to him after lunch, once he would have enough time to enjoy reading and fill his stomach.

Yes, she did not want to meddle between him and Lan Wangji right now, it could bring more bad than good. If Wei Wuxian was this relaxed by the other's side, she did not want to disturb him. It seemed like Lan Wangji was working his own magic and did not need her help at all. He was playing all his trumps cards and it was without a doubt working wonders when it came to her brother's trust and happiness. She should learn from him instead.

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