Chapter 97

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Wei Wuxian was waking only slowly. It was something he had not had the luxury of very often but today, he could just not jostle his mind to full awareness as any other day. His head felt somewhat hazy and all fuzzy, in a good sense though. It was as if he had been sleeping so soundly his brain had a hard time waking up.

If he was in a sharper mind, he would perhaps be in awe at such a development. No! He would no longer be startled by the knowledge that he had let himself relax to the point where he had not woken even once during the night and had also not been afraid someone would do the waking for him, more often than not in a harsh way. He had felt so safe after everything Lan Wangji had done for him the day prior and the hot bath, he had not even thought about the possibility of someone coming to his room and beating him to awareness.

Everything looked so different today for some reason. Wei Wuxian was relaxed and lazy, taking a few moments to enjoy laying in the bed without any worries. The room was calm in a serene way, all he could hear were melodious songs of birds. The light which was coming in through the window also seemed somehow softer and kinder than ever before, as if the sun was well aware he was just waking up and wanted to rouse him gently and slowly.

Wei Wuxian turned onto his side and breathed out contently. He nuzzled his face into the soft pillows and still marvelled at the fact he had his own bed, a very comfortable one at that, and nice sheets which felt like the finest silks on his skin. He closed his eyes for another second, just taking in the sensation of being utterly relaxed and drowsy. He felt like he still had some time before he would have to get up from the bed and was determined to make the most of it.

After a whole minute of laying in this warm and comfortable heaven, Wei Wuxian decided it was time for him to properly wake up and get out of the bed. He should go greet Lan Wangji. He did not forget he was supposed to spend his days with his master and he was already looking forward to it. In fact, he could not wait to meet the older boy again.

Finally fully awake, he quickly crawled from under the covers. He arranged them in a way so no one would be able to guess anyone had even been using them. Then, he looked around, searching for the robe which his master had gifted him. He had neatly folded it in the evening and had put it on the side so it would be ready for the morning. As soon as he saw the clothes on the same spot where he had left them, he silently breathed out a sigh of relief. He knew himself that it had been a foolish worry to think they had disappeared overnight, he could however not help it and checked nevertheless.

He hesitated for a second, wondering what he would be doing today and if it would not be more convenient for him to put on his usual darker colours. He did not want to get the pristine white robes dirty. However, in the end, the consideration did not even take a fraction of a second. His own robes were already dirty and sweaty for the most part, they were unsightly and his master would surely not like seeing them, it could offend him. Moreover, Wei Wuxian just could not help himself but wanting to wear the clothes which had been given to him as a gift, by none other than Lan Wangji himself.

He shook his head, slightly exasperated with himself. He was overthinking things again which was something he had told himself not to do. There was no reason for doublechecking or doubting Lan Wangji's intentions, he was convinced there was nothing else behind them but his master's kindness and good will.

Wei Wuxian quickly put his clothes on and prepared himself for the day. When he turned to the door to go and wait in front of Lan Wangji's room for him, he saw his worn-out suitcase still in the same place as yesterday. It looked very out of place in this lavish and nice room and he had a very strong urge to go hide it somewhere out of sight. He did not know where though since it had been the Lans who had told him to bring it here. So, he just left it there, he would think about what to do with it later. Now, it was high time he went to greet Lan Wangji.

He opened his door slowly, not wanting to make any noise and disrupt the quietness of the Cloud Recesses Manor. He knew that other servants were most probably already busy at work, preparing breakfast and going about their daily duties. That was in the servants' quarters and the kitchen though and no sound could be heard all the way here in the masters' wing of the mansion.

If it was anywhere else but in the Cloud Recesses Manor and if Lan Wangji did not tell him he was to be his companion and not a normal servant, Wei Wuxian would have felt bad for oversleeping and not helping out. However, as things stood, he strangely did not even feel guilty. He just had different duties and even if other servants were not happy with that, it was their problem. Wei Wuxian was obeying Lan Wangji and that was it, no questions asked.

He tiptoed to the doors of his master's quarters and stood before them. He was a little nervous now; he had taken so long to come out of his own room, was Lan Wangji even still inside? There was no way for Wei Wuxian to check, he could not go around and knock on the door in case his master was still sleeping. He could only stand here, waiting, and hope Lan Wangji would come out soon so he would be able to see him just a little faster.

To his immense relief and happiness, it did not even take a full minute and the door opened. Lan Wangji came out, all proper and pristine like always. It felt as if Wei Wuxian had been living in a shadow and it was only now that his world got to know the warmth and light of the sun. Seeing his master made his heart immediately start beating faster. Not in fear or discomfort, never with Lan Wangji, it was because he was excited to meet the other again even if it had been just one night since he had seen him last time.

Wei Wuxian was actually getting the feeling he could become drunk with Lan Wangji's presence alone. Not that he had actually ever drank alcohol, he just had a feeling it would have the same effect. Without even being conscious of the fact, his lips parted in a small smile and he lifted his head to look at his master properly. He wanted to feel even closer to him and make sure he was not dreaming.

"Good morning, Wei Ying," Lan Wangji said softly and Wei Wuxian's heart almost jumped out of his chest altogether. It was those small things, these small acts of kindness, which made his heart melt in gratitude to the other boy.

Wei Wuxian smiled consciously now, hoping Lan Wangji would understand this gesture as a greeting from his side. He still did not dare to actually say anything but they had managed to communicate yesterday even without any words spoken aloud. He was sure it would be alright. Everything would be just fine when Lan Wangji was finally here with him again. Somewhere along the way, his master had truly become the centre of the world for him.

Wei Wuxian's heart melted even more when the other nodded his head, clearly showing him he had understood his efforts. He was getting inexplicably excited yet again. It was truly a miracle that he was able to communicate with someone, even in this way, and not fear the consequences. His time in the Cloud Recesses Manor seemed like something he should look forward to even more now.

His heart was still happily fluttering in his chest when Lan Wangji proposed: "Let us go get breakfast."

There was nothing Wei Wuxian would not do for him and he quickly nodded his confirmation. He joined his master's side without double guessing himself. He knew the older boy would not mind. With Lan Wangji by his side, he was not scared anymore, he knew he could count on him if anything happened, he felt safe.

He looked all around excitedly while they were walking to the dining room. It was the first time he was free to do so without having to be afraid about being punished for lifting his head and looking anyone in the eye. The feeling was so freeing and marvellous it almost made him cry. And the best part was that Lan Wangji was still by his side, smiling encouragingly at him every time Wei Wuxian looked in his direction. 

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