The suicide note

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My bright Star,

I'm sorry to have to write this to you, but it's too late. I can't stay here any longer, and I know you keep begging me to stay, but I can't. I can't stay in a world that no longer wants me.

You'll be okay.

I've never met anyone like you, and you are so pure and rare. You've made me smile and laugh in a way that I thought I never would again. You make me so happy, but the pain and hurt is too strong, and I'm so sorry to do this but it's something I need to do.

Please don't cry. I know you probably are as you're reading this, but please don't. It's going to be okay. Eventually you'll be okay and you'll forget about me like everyone else.

And one day, I pray that you find someone else who will love you more than I ever could. Someone who won't give up and someone who will actually stay.

I gave up Star, I'm weak.

You'll find someone who can love you in ways that I never could and he'll stay with you always. He won't be weak and leave like I have.

I'm sorry.

There's nothing you can do to stop me, I've planned this for months, and now that the time has come, I'm ready. I'm ready to leave all my pain behind, I'm ready to be okay again.

I never meant for this letter to be this long, but I just need you to know that you'll be okay. Don't cry for me, and don't give up like I have. Please stay and live your beautiful life. Live the life that I'm giving up on.

Live for me.

I fell in love with you. I didn't want to, but I did, and now I feel so much more guilty leaving you. But I can't stay here, I know you make me so happy and I know I'm okay with you, but deep down I'm not okay.

Deep down it still hurts to the point where I'm suffocating. It hurts.

I hope you can understand why I did what I did.

You're my bright Star, with a heavenly glow to you that I love so much, and you're the most beautiful, distracting sight I could ever imagine.

Keep your light. Keep being the beautiful distraction to everyone around you. Never lose the light inside of you.

I hope this doesn't take your light away. I hope I'm not the reason your light dimmed.

I don't think I can write anymore, my hands are shaking too much. I need to go.

I'm sorry I couldn't be strong and stay here with you, I tried, I tried so hard. But it didn't help. It didn't do anything.

I'm sorry.

Please stop crying.

You'll be okay.

Goodbye my Star

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