11 days until suicide

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"How does it feel to be back home?"

"I didn't miss it if I'm being honest." Orson said.

"Well, tomorrow we're going to resume our fun week. You'll feel better tomorrow, I promise."

"You can't promise things like that, especially if the promise has to do with someone else's feelings. You can't decide how someone else feels, it's not your own emotions." Orson chuckled. "That's like me saying I'm going to go jump off a cliff and promising you'll be happy about it."

"Hey, jumping off a cliff has nothing to do with this." Astra shook her head. "Why do you always have to change conversations to death? It's not funny."

"I was using an example."

"Whatever. Go fuck yourself."

To Astra's surprise, Orson just laughed.

"Alright, but I'll think of you as I do."

Astra's mouth opened in shock and her eyes widened as he started laughing even harder.

"You!" Astra exclaimed, but he just continued to laugh until he started coughing from the amount of laughing he was doing.

"I can just imagine your face." Orson laughed between coughs. "It would've been so funny to see."

"No it wouldn't, I'm glad you can't see me right now. That was so wrong of you to say." Astra scowled and folded her arms, but he didn't see her, and she was glad because he probably would've just laughed even more.

"You were the one who was mean, you shouldn't have said that." Orson laughed.

"Did you mean it though?" Astra asked.

"No, of course not." Orson stopped laughing. "I was joking around."

"I don't believe you." Astra said stubbornly.

"That's your fault."


"You're so fun to mess with." Orson said after a few moments. "You're too sensitive. Live a little. Just enjoy having fun and just laugh at all the jokes. If you keep taking things personally you'll start to notice that you're missing out on all the fun."

"That wasn't fun." Astra said.

"Oh come on, it was funny." Orson laughed a little.

Astra was quiet for a few minutes.

"Okay fine, it was funny." She smiled.

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