4 days until suicide

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"Please meet me at Minneola Lake tomorrow at 12pm okay?" Astra told Orson as soon as he picked up the phone. "I have something to give you."

"Okay." Orson was quiet and he sounded tired.

"Are you sleeping okay?" Astra asked him.

"Not really." He admitted.

"I'm sorry." Astra said.

She looked at her calendar to see that the date was December 23rd.

Two days until Christmas.

Four days until Orson killed himself. No, she wasn't going to let him do that.

"Bear Cub, what do you say about spending Christmas with me and my friends? Every Christmas we go to Arlo's house, since he's rich and has the biggest house, and we just have a fun party. Just us friends. We all pass out the gifts we get each other."

"Okay." Was all Orson said.

"Okay, I'll give you his address when I see you tomorrow." Astra smiled.

She had a plan. She was going to make this Christmas the best Christmas he's ever had. She was going to make him happy. She was going to make him smile and laugh and have the best day of his life.

Maybe if Christmas went perfect like she was imagining, he'd change his mind about suicide.

Maybe he'd keep living.

Maybe she would get him to understand that the world isn't as bad as it feels. There are so many beautiful things in the world.

Maybe she'd actually get him to believe that.

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