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"A bakery?"

They were standing outside of a bakery, and Orson was staring at it like it was going to jump at him any second. He didn't look excited.

"Come on, you still haven't eaten anything in a while."

"I was hoping you'd forget about that." Orson ran a hand through his hair as he sighed.

"Never." Astra opened the door, and immediately the bell rang, and a woman looked up.

"Astra! You're a little early, come on, they're just getting started in the back." The woman smiled as Astra walked over to her.

"Thanks Petunia."

"Oh, is this your friend?" Petunia looked over at Orson, who was just standing behind Astra, hands in his pockets.

"Yeah." Astra turned to look at him. "Come on, we're going to bake with them for today. Best part is we get to eat everything after."

"We closed for today so she could do this with you." Petunia smiled at Orson.

"I don't bake." Orson said quietly.

"Neither do I, only cookies. But this is my go to bakery to eat at. The food is amazing, and I'd love to learn to bake. Besides, I've heard that baking helps you relax a little and it's fun." Astra walked past the counter Petunia stood behind, and Orson followed her.

"Hey babes! How're you doing?" Astra was grabbed in a tight hug as soon as she stepped into the kitchen, and she laughed as her friend picked her up from the floor so her feet were no longer touching it.

"Nice to see you too Arlo." Astra's voice was muffled by his shirt, and she starting hitting his back after a second. "I can't breathe dude."

"Oh sorry!" Arlo set her back down, but then his eyes widened as he saw Orson standing behind her.  "Is this him?"

"Yeah. Arlo this is my Bear Cub. Bear Cub, this is my Arlo." Astra had told her friends about Orson but she had used Bear Cub as his name so now all her friends knew him as Bear Cub.

"Oooo he's hot, much better looking than I imagined."

"Arlo!" Astra tried to smack him, but he moved out of the way. He gave her a look as he held his arm protectively.

Orson laughed and both of them turned to look at him.

"You're pretty hot yourself."  He said.

Astra's eyes widened in shock as Arlo smiled and reached a hand out to give Orson a high five, and then he wrapped an arm around his shoulder. Orson was much shorter than him, so he had to look up as Arlo spoke.

"You don't happen to be gay do you?" Arlo eyed him, and Astra shook her head and covered her face in embarrassment, but to her surprise, Orson just laughed again.

"Maybe just for today." Orson joked.

Astra looked back up at the boys. "Wow, I'm going to regret taking you here."

"Aw come on now, don't be that way. These gay boys are ready to make some cakes!" Arlo pumped his fist in the air and let out a cheerful holler.

Orson laughed as he got dragged away from Astra.

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