27 days until suicide

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"Helloooo mister Bear Cub."

"What is that noise? It sounds like someone is dying."

"That's my roommate Carly, she likes to sing in the shower. She's pretty loud if you can hear her from the phone." Astra laughed loudly, accidentally snorting after a few seconds, and quickly gasped in horror as she covered her mouth with her hand.

The sound that came from her phone surprised her more than anything had surprised her in a while.


He was laughing.

She had never heard him laugh before, but his laugh was the most beautiful thing she had ever heard. There was just something about it, something about his laughter that made her feel happy.

His laughter made her heart melt. In that moment, he genuinely sounded happy, and she couldn't help but smile. She just made him laugh. She just made someone broken and giving up on the world laugh.

"Did you just snort?" Orson was still laughing as Astra joined him, holding her stomach as the pain from laughter came, but it only made her laugh even more.

"Yes, oh my god, I did." Astra laughed. "I'm so sorry, I've never snorted before, that's so embarrassing."

"I think it's cute when someone snorts." Orson stopped laughing, but he was chuckling a little.

"That definitely was not cute." Astra tried to stop laughing, but thinking of it again just made her laugh harder. "I can't breathe, ha ha ha, I'm going to die!"

"Breathe, Star, breathe." Orson sounded amused and that only made her laugh harder.

"Stop, you're going to make it worse. You're going to kill me!" Astra couldn't stop laughing, and eventually she started gasping for air in the middle of her laughter.

"Don't die." Orson chuckled.

"I'm trying not to." Astra held her stomach as she laughed to the point where tears streamed down her face. "Owww! My stomach hurts ha ha ha I can't stop laughing. The pain is making me laugh harder."

"Wow, I've never heard someone laugh for so long."

"Shut up Bear Cub, you're making it worse." Astra scolded him, but at the sound of his chuckle, she just laughed even harder.

"Why are you laughing?"

Astra almost immediately stopped laughing and looked up as Carly walked into her room, wearing nothing but a towel. Her soaked hair dripped onto the floor as she walked over to her drawer and opened it, pulling out some clothes.

Carly always stole her clothes. Well, she didn't steal them, just took them without permission to wear them. Astra never minded, only when she didn't give something back, and she had to steal it back herself.

"Oh, nothing." Astra said. She finally stopped laughing, but she had to force herself to keep quiet or she'd just start laughing all over again and probably die that time.

"She was laughing because you were killing someone in the shower." Orson whispered so Carly couldn't hear, and Astra couldn't help herself, she started laughing again.

She heard Orson laugh a little as she laughed loudly, ignoring when Carly gave her a confused look.

"Well I'm glad you're laughing, I love seeing you happy." Carly dropped the towel on the floor and started getting dressed. "You wanna have a girls night? I've been stressed with college and I know you must be wanting to do something fun too."

"Yeah sure." Astra nodded, her laughs fading away.

"Alright." Carly pulled a t.shirt over her head.

"I have to go Bear Cub, I'm going to have a girls night. I'll call you tomorrow night." Astra chuckled into the phone.

"Bear Cub?" Carly whispered with a raised brow, but Astra held a finger to her lips and mouthed 'I'll tell you later.'

"Have fun Star, you deserve it."

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