|07| • Amelia.

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I just couldn't stop smiling!

Was that bad? I mean, I've just met him but still; Everest made me smile. I know Darrick was against me even talking with him, but for the first time, I didn't care.

A day had passed since he took my number and I have been refraining from messaging him, I did want to send a text but what if he saw me as a bother? Or worse, clingy? Shaking my head, I skipped down the stairs to meet my older brother; Abel.

Abel and Papa were at the dining table, speaking in hushed voices, although I heard my name slip out, I decided not to eavesdrop knowing Papa was most likely scolding him for something I did, or didn't do. Clearing my throat, I reached the landing with a soft thump. "Good morning Papa. Hi Abel." My brother turned to me with a forced smile, I knew this because his eyebrows arched up as proof. Papa ignored my greetings.

"Hey Amelia, how are you?" Abel asked, getting up to give me a warm hug. He was a foot high off the ground than me, so his chin quickly cupped my head, his large build oozing warmth. "Am I in trouble?" I whispered lowly so only he could hear. Abel chuckled, shaking his head. "Not on my watch."

Abel was four years older, a cup full of dreadlocks on his head and specs of beards on his chin. "Darrick told me about a man you met." He whispered into my ear as he bent to kiss me on the cheek, my ears heated at his words. Darrick told him? It had only been a day! Deciding not to say anything, I gently curled my lips and pushed him off.

"Where were you yesterday?" Papa asked curtly, not turning from his newspaper. Knowing what he wanted to hear, I sighed, scurrying in front of him. He wanted me to get a job and move out of the house, dwelling on the fact that I was too immature for my age. It hurt when he spoke so coldly but it wasn't my fault. If he wanted me to be mature, I could try! But having a job made my chest contract, would I have to face a crowd every day? It was nice speaking to people but when it got too much, I felt my heart quicken, my insides swirling.

"I went to the pastry shop, Papa."

His gaze slowly climbed from the paper he held in his hand to my quivering figure. Was he going to snap at me again? "In search of a job?" I shook my head, timidly.

Papa let out a sigh, dropping the newspaper before springing up. "Are you deaf?! Or just stupid? You go to that damned pastry shop to do what? Have tea parties? I asked that you get a job, Amelia! You're 20 for crying out loud!" Abel quickly made his way in front of me, arms crossed with a glare.

"Exactly dad, she's just 20. Give her a break!"

My shoulders heaved and fell, they were fighting again because of me. I didn't want this! Crossing my arms firmly against my chest, I tried to stop the tears burning my eyes. If my Papa saw it, it would give him more reason to be angry.

"Just 20? She graduated nearly three years ago and has been doing what? Nothing! No college, no nothing!" His words stabbed my chest. College was a big step, I didn't want to put the weight of paying tuition on my father. We were comfortable, adding such a bill would surely be a pressure. Abel worked at a mechanic shop, he made enough to support himself and his girlfriend, how could I burden him more?

Abel sighed, running his hand through his face. "Dad, we talked about this," Papa grunted. "I don't recall you being the head of this family." Watching them caused my head to turn, but none of them agreed to back down. It resembled Everest and Darrick, but worse. Everest. Would he scowl at the fact that I wasn't in a part-time job? Or planning to go to college?

Sniffling back my tears, I held Abel's elbow, nudging him not to speak to Papa that way.

"I'll go find a job this week, Papa. I promise." The middle-aged man glared at Abel, before grimacing my way. "You better. I can't have you idling around my house." With that, he grabbed the newspaper are climbed up the stairs with heavy thuds. "Fucking headaches." I heard him mutter on his way up.

"Abel, you shouldn't speak to Papa that way." I finally scolded when the door slammed shut. Abel scoffed, turning towards me, breaking his protective stance. "He shouldn't speak to his daughter that way either." I smiled, he didn't have to care for me that much.

"If you don't want a job, then don't pressure yourself to get one." It warmed my heart knowing I had someone who would always be by my side. Giggling, I can't help but jump into his arms. "I have to, Abel. I made a promise." He kissed his teeth, holding my shoulders and pushing me back.


"Abel, I'll be fine." He stared for a bit before nodding, the conflicted look still on his face. 

"So, about that man you met." The blush resumed to moment my cheeks at the mention of Everest. Folding my arms, I narrow my eyes and puff my cheeks. Why make such a big deal out of it when we hadn't spoken after then? "It's nothing. I met him days ago." Abel rose one of his brows, connoting his disbelief.

"I mean...he's handsome and all. He even asked for my number but that's it."

"Darrick said he's older."

I blushed, flustered at how much Darrick had told him. Betrayal! "I guess he's a bit older than me." I didn't know how old he was, but judging by his appearance and composure, I'd say he was in his late twenties or something. I didn't mind, it made me feel more secure. Abel cocked his head to the side.

"Don't let him pressure you to do what you're against. If he does, come tell me. Okay?"

"Abel, we're just friends!" Were we even close enough to be called friends? He was someone I had a tiny crush on. That was much better. As Abel warned me of older men and their intentions, the tune of my ringtone filled the dining room. 

"Hang on." It was probably Darrick, he'd be sure to get an earful for putting me in such a position! Taking out my phone, I stare at the name written across it in shock. 

He was calling me...Everest was calling me right now.

"What are you staring at? Pick it or decline." Abel stated. The longer I waited, the more nervous I became, biting my lip, I hurried out of the dining room and up the stairs. Once I reached my room, I picked it up, a small huff leaving my lips.

I heard soft breathing from the other line, goosebumps crawling on my skin. Trying to calm myself, I ask quietly.

"Everest, is that you?"

"Hey, sweetheart, how are you?" His deep voice called out softly, my stomach swarming with butterflies at his words. Gosh, my cheeks and ears were burning, this man made my body react oddly.

I kind of liked it.

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