|63| • Amelia

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I had a suspicion Evie was hiding something, but felt guilty for thinking that way.

Was I simply overthinking? Goodness, I hope I was.

Whenever I asked where he'd been on particular days, he'd brush the question off with a chuckle, saying he'd rather hear about my day. At first, I thought it to be sweet and selfless, but my shoulders began tensing when he did this. Where did he usually run off to that he didn't want me to find out about? I was tempted to stand my ground today, stomp my feet and demand to know what he was doing so sneakily, but then again, it was his life.

It wasn't as though he was obligated to tell me his whereabouts, but his often 'It's nothing,' 'I was just here and there.' smelt fishy, darn suspicious if I must say! A tiny part of me thought he was sneaking off to see Florescent, but no...he promised he'd sever ties with her. I trusted him to do just that. So what was it then? 

The day I asked him to go bowling with me he did the same thing that put needles under my skin. I asked and he dismissed it, saying it was nothing. After the call, I rang Abel, asking if Everest worked today, and he said no. My heart clenched at that answer, but I took deep breaths, telling myself he probably had his reasons. 

"Amelia?" Everest called out my name, his hand going to hold mine, making me nearly flinch. Nearly. I plastered a smile on my face, looking over at him. He looked as innocent and handsome as ever. He definitely wasn't doing anything suspicious, right? Humming, I raised my eyebrows in response. We were currently driving to the bowling centre, where he'd officially meet my friends. I guess I kinda of left that part out, the part where it was going to be a group date. I just...wanted to surprise him a little.

"There you go again spacing out. Are you feeling okay?" He asked, concern in his voice as he looked over at me before facing the road. My heart felt heavy. Shuffling in my seat, I nodded with a reassuring smile. "I'm alright, I was just thinking," I say, glancing down at our intertwined hands.

Squeezing it slightly, I didn't let his hand go. I didn't want to, it felt as though if I did, he'd slowly start to disappear and the thought terrified me. What would I do if he decided he wanted out? If he decided he didn't want to continue. I could hear the drumming of my heart against my ribcage, my hands were getting cold now.

"Hey sweetheart, you sure you're okay? Your hands are quite cold now." Evie said softly, caressing his thumb against the back of my palm. Snapping back from my thoughts, I looked at him with wide eyes, was I seriously tearing up right now? Narrowing my eyes, I nodded to his question, focusing on nature. It did seem to calm me many times before.

I felt my hand lift up before his lips laid a gentle kiss on it. "Not that I mind much, anyways." He mumbled against them before kissing them again. I smiled, his kisses felt reassuring. That did the trick to wave those thoughts away. Thankful, I glanced up at him, still peppering kisses on my palm. "Thank you..." I heard myself trail off, leaning closer to him. 

He hummed, "For what?" Everest questioned seemingly confused. This made me smile, it was a good thing he couldn't read my mind, where for a brief moment I was doubting him. "I just felt like thanking my awesome man, Am I allowed to do that?" I teased, tilting my head. He threw his head back, laughing. 

"Oh, I see. I appreciate the compliment, my lady." Everest said, still holding onto my hand, "Of course you're allowed to." Another kiss was placed on my hand, specifically my fourth finger. I blushed, loving the shower of affection he was giving me. 

"So how's Gabe doing?" I decided to ask, It had been a while since I'd seen him, and I knew how close he and Evie were. "Gabe? Oh, he's good actually. He got a job recently, a remote one though, he said he wants to spend more time at home with Penelope." Hearing this made my heart swoon, he was such a sweet man, that was for sure. "I'm certain you and Gabe would get along just well actually." Everest continued, dropping his hand on my lap. "Why's that?"

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