|28| • Everest

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Eight years ago I was going to marry my ex-girlfriend, she always hinted at how she wanted a large wedding, in a church. Then the reception was going to be in a bar she wanted to be rented out for the special day, although I knew it'd put a dent in my pocket -- seeing as I hadn't been accepted into the military at the time, I didn't mind. She was worth it.

Was it foolish to think she'd do the same if I got into the army because I waited for her to complete her university? I guess you could say I had hoped she would. So when I saw the letter on the duffel bag that faithful night, with the ring I spent an excellent buck to get, my heart sunk down to my feet. The thought made me chuckle, the void I felt right after cause me to stay almost a decade in and out in the office and camp, trying to get her name and who she was to me out of my system. Did I? Not until roughly three years ago. Florescent, that was her name.

I didn't think I'd be attending Cas' wedding, even if she was my good friend. Seeing the wedding bells would remind me of how I had chosen to serve the country over a life with Florescent, well according to her. To be honest? I didn't feel bad, or regretful. If I didn't go into the army, I wouldn't even have met Cas or Gabe. Perhaps I would never have come across Amelia on her bicycle that fateful day. Amelia...

Did she find it weird being a plus one to a wedding, with a man she wasn't even with? I hoped not. I was too excited for a change of mind.

Staring at the reflection in the mirror, I grinned. The suit was well-tailored, as though it was made for me even if I bought it ready-made. It was a dark blue suit, with a silver pocket square which added a bit of pop to the outfit. According to Amelia, I looked better in dark colours as they complimented my fair skin. Taking out the gel, I tried to style my hair carefully, it wouldn't hurt to let Amelia's gaze linger on me. The light brown strands of my beard had added volume in the past week, this made me look less boyish than before.

When I was done inspecting my look, I checked my phone to see if she was ready. Knowing how she was, I didn't want to rush her, so I'd given her a two-hour headstart being going to the flower shop and then back home. The flowers were for Amelia, I guess I was stepping up in being a gentleman. Curtsey to Saffron.

'I'm on my way, baby.'

It made my heart swell with joy when I called her that. She liked it also, I knew she did. It didn't take long for her to reply, it was with a picture. Before I opened it, my lips automatically drew a wide, silly grin. She angled the phone weirdly and took a picture of her face. Call me cheesy but the lady looked cute either way. It was captioned: 'I was done before you :) I'll be waiting.' I chuckled.

'Sure you were, keep telling yourself that.'

'Tee-hee, Abel's teasing me a lot! Hurry!'

What the woman wants. Taking the keys to the truck and the bouquet, I reversed out of my house, making my way to hers. 'Just ask her to be your girlfriend already.' I remembered what Saffron said teasingly when I asked which flower ladies preferred. Trust me when I said I was planning to, I didn't just want it to come suddenly. Not right after -- well, a bit after her confession. When last did I have a girlfriend? I was surely rusty in that area.

Was she ready to be in a relationship? Heck, was I ready to be the darn good boyfriend she deserved? I guess those questions acted as the reasons why I concluded to take baby steps in our journey together. Perhaps we needed to know each other a bit more. I planned on taking her to mine one day, simply talking about ourselves. I didn't trust myself to be in the same bedroom as her and not want to pull her in, to drench her in affection.

See? My own head wasn't safe from her.

As always, the neighbourhood was jovial. It was starting to feel all the more comfortable, I wouldn't mind meeting any of the kids there. The thought made me laugh, was I good with kids? If Saff counted as one, then maybe. On getting to the gate, I saw Abel at the front, he had his back half turned, grinning at the person inside. I wouldn't say it was weird seeing my now boss live with the lady I was interested in, it was something I just wasn't used to.

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