|59| • Amelia

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| I entered the Wattys2023, I don't know how it works but vote my story and comment on their page when the time comes!|


There we were, Batch A.

If I could give us a number, I'd say we summed up to about fifty students, some seated and some standing to face to face with one of the head chefs - Mr Silvano. I was eagerly bouncing in my seat — the one Raul offered me as only one seat remained when we arrived. He stood at my back, his hand resting on my shoulder.

This was exciting, I was in the same room as Mr Silvano! He was one of the known head chefs who usually operated with Chef Gaston. He looked a bit younger, with more flesh to his cheeks and neck, his white apron concave at his stomach side. Chef Silvano had a cute appearance, almost the same as a teddy bear. Stifling a giggle at my thoughts, I pried my eyes towards him.

"Good morning class," He began, his voice deep and rich. We responded in unison, greeting him as well. This still felt unreal, but God was I grateful. Chef Silvano smiled a welcoming one, his eyes grazing at each of us, when his eyes reached mine, I think I stilled, star-struck. Giving him a cheesy grin, he nodded, looking away.

"Okay, let me introduce myself. I am Chef Silvano, I work alongside Chef Gaston and other chefs. I'm going to be teaching you all the art of pastries. How a simple dough can be turned into various lovely pastries." As he went on, I felt myself get more excited, my hands played with each other to calm down.  Glancing over at Raul, I saw he had an equally excited expression on his face, a smile tugging on his lips.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Get your aprons from the table and let's get working!" I grinned, taking an apron and one for Raul. Handing it over to him, he smirked. "Thanks love," I heard him whisper lowly, putting the aprons on his body. Before I could knot mine, Raul's hands stopped at my lower back. "Let me." He said gently.

I get heat crawl to my body, flustered, and drop my hand. I wasn't used to his physical contact yet, most people I met hardly touched me before we grew closer. "Thanks," I muttered shyly, getting up to push the chair aside.

"We do not stand to knead or prepare dough, we stand. Unless you have a disability, push your chairs to the side." Chef Silvano prompted, clapping his chubby hands. Once the class was done rearranging the chairs, we grouped ourselves at each table. We were five per table, the ingredients on the faint table at a podium-like surface.

Chef Silvano climbed up, folding his arms.

"Alright class, we are going to learn how to make Palmiers. The crispy, flaky goodness." He said with a grin, dropping a hand on his hip. "I'll need two of you from each table to take the ingredients for your table." He instructed that was when I looked around my table, taking note of their faces.

Raul was beside me, he'd promised to stick beside me and I was honestly happy about that, then there was a pale-skinned girl with blonde hair and pink stripes, her lips were almost blood red, her eyes a sparkling blue. Shivers went down my spine, she looked just like a doll, it admittedly made me feel a tad bit insecure. When her eyes reached mine, I flinched, realizing I was literally stalking her with my eyes.

She frowned.

"Do you want me to go?" The girl spoke, pointing at herself, clearing my throat nervously, I opened my mouth to speak, "U-uh, sure? W-we can go together?" Goodness, how embarrassing. The girl shrugged, her frown lifting and being replaced with a smile. "Okay, why not?"

The girl turned and walked up to where Chef Silvano stood, looking over at Raul, he nudged me with a smile. "Should I go on your behalf?" He teased, making me glare at him before turning my her, and making my way to the front as well.

His Little AmeliaWhere stories live. Discover now