|16| • Everest

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I know I said baby steps but I couldn't help it, the way her doe eyes widened in shock made it all the more worth it. I didn't want to keep beating around the bush, calling her pet names. Perhaps I was too fast? Maybe that was why she remained quiet for a jack Robbinson second. I wasn't surprised my feelings had grown to this length in such a short time.

What was not to like?

How kind of a human she was?

How endearing her laugh was when it filled the air?

Her pale eyes and pretty laugh? Goodness, if I went on, the thoughts would go astray. Amelia cleared her throat, her eyes darting around the room as if to find something to distract her. Did she not like the amount of attention I was giving? Was I scaring her away?

"I'm sorry." I chuckled, drawing back. I couldn't lie, embarrassment twisted my stomach. She wanted to get away, I took that much from her reaction. "I...um...the cake!" Amelia pointed up to the sky before bouncing on her feet and skipping into the kitchen. Watching her bounce away, I sank into the couch. "Crap." Perhaps this time, I had gone faster than my shadow. 

A hailstorm brewed in my mind as I pondered on what my next action would be, do I just pretend not to have confessed to her? Play it off with a cool chuckle and focus on the cake, rainbow or whatever it was called.  Think, Everest.

With a strangled huff, I stretched to my feet, feeling heavier than before. "Amelia?" My voice sounded hoarse too. Geez, Everest; get a grip. "You should be doing this part but don't worry, I guess I can help you take it out." I saw how she fumbled while putting on her mittens, a nervous giggle escaping her lips. "Amelia," I said again but she didn't listen, the nervous girl bent down and skillfully removed the pan from the oven, the bright cake bringing steam as she poked it. 

If this wasn't happening, I'd say it came out pretty nicely. "We forgot to do the frosting but we could just use whipping cream. It's in the," She was rambling now or at least talking fast enough for it to be classified as such.

"I said I have feelings for you," She pursed her lips, her words seizing in her throat. "F-fridge." She managed to stutter out the word. "I uh...heard you the...first time." Amelia fiddled with her thumb, looking at her feet with a conflicted look. Don't ask me why I said it again, I just did.

"And I'm sorry if me saying that makes you feel awkward or the need to avoid my eyes." Her shoulders heaved at the last part as if to prove me wrong, she tried looking me in the eye but gave up after a second of it; darting those precious orbs away. "I just wanted to make my intentions clear."

"I thought you wanted to be my friend..." Somehow, those words pricked my heart. Goodness, what was I thinking? The age gap between us was a daunting twelve years, I probably looked like a paedophile to her. Groaning, I run my hands through my hair. 

"I do! I'd be honoured to be your friend Amelia. You're a good person." She looked up with knitted eyebrows.

"I mean, if me having feelings for you makes this uncomfortable, then I'll stop. We can be friends, alright? Just friends." 

Those words hurt me more than I thought. Could I really be just her friend? I mean, I could try but it'd be mighty hard.

The thinking rolls on her forehead deepened as she knitted her eyebrows, her lips going in different pursing directions. My mind anticipated her reply, guts twisting and mocking me already. I didn't want to just be friends with her, as innocent as she was. 

"I..." The girl I'd come to like began, chewing on her bottom lips.

"Y-you're putting me on the spot here, Evie." She muttered shyly, rocking on the ball of her feet. Evie? Where did that come from? I couldn't imagine someone giving me such a nickname, it was far too...sweet. Chuckling, I nodded at her remark. She was right. "I didn't mean to. You don't have to answer, it's okay." I tried to wave it off, itching the back of my neck with a grin. Amelia continued to glance at me as if her eyes were trying to decode my movements. 

"So, the rainbow cake."

"It's confetti cake, silly." She giggled, taking my hand to pull me closer to the masterpiece. Well, I thought it was anyways. "Did I do good, teach?" Amelia let out an exaggerated hum, tapping her index to her chin. "I'd say you did fairly average my pupil." 

"Average? I thought I made it to an eight at least." I joked, trying to lighten up the mood. She scrunched up her nose cutely, shrugging her shoulders. "Only the tasting will tell." Amelia cut a large piece for the both of us, scooping out the ice cream in a glass cup as I got the plastic spoons. 

"Are you still taking me job hunting?"

I heard the curiosity in her voice, and a bit of caution was added to it. "Of course, if you still want to." I'd understand if she saw it awkward to go search for a job with me, although I genuinely wanted to help her find a befitting job if she was up for it. 

"What movie would you like to watch, Evie?" There it was again, that nickname. "Evie?" I decide to ask, a smirk reaching my lips when I saw how taken about she looked. "Oh...I like the nickname, it suits you." She grinned, dropping our food on the coffee table in front of the television. "Suits me? What, you think I'm cute? Sunshines and butterflies?"

Amelia laughed, throwing her head back. "As a matter of fact, Evie; I do. You might seem rough and all but I know you're a teddy on the inside." She grinned, so sure of her words that I almost believed them. "That's the first time I'm hearing that."

"Well, they were all too shy to tell you."

I laughed at her snarky comment, watching as her tongue stuck its head out to mock me. "Thank you." She blushed, nodding her head. "So, horror?" The girl widened her eyes at my suggestion, quickly shaking her head. "Nuh-uh! It messes with my mind."

"Alright, put something to your taste, I'll gladly watch it."

"Even if it's an animation?" She asked with big, hopeful eyes. "Even if it's animation," I repeated with a reassuring smile, earning a grin from her. It was a goodnight thing her dad wouldn't be back until tomorrow, I didn't see myself leaving here anytime soon.

As she hopped back on her seat, I took a cut of the cake, the sweetness bursting on my tongue. Perhaps I added a tad bit too much sugar in there. Or maybe I was just getting old. "A solid seven," I commented to myself, feeling her eyes on me.

"Uhm, Everest?"

Chewing slowly to savour the taste, I turned to face the girl with a small smile. "Yes, sweetheart?" 

"It...it didn't make me feel uncomfortable." I arched my head at her words before relaxing against the chair in realization. Oh. That. I chose to keep quiet, giving her my silence as reassurance. "And...you don't have to...you know." Amelia trailed off shyly. 

"I don't have to?" I teased, although catching a drift of her words, I wanted to hear her say it. "Evie..." She whined, fumbling with her fingers. "I just want to hear you say it is all. No misunderstanding." 

"You don't have to...stop liking me. And...we can be more than friends...later on." Like a huge burden was off her shoulder, she sank into the couch, covering her face. Dear, she looked even cuter when flustered. So, she was okay with my feelings for her? Good.

I leaned in to get a good look at her darkened brown skin, a small smile tugging at my lips. After a few moments, she peeked at me from the space between her fingers, her pale green eyes shifting to my lips before looking away. Was I too close?

Chuckling at how she cuddled herself, I caressed the back of her palm to try and relax the girl. 

"That's all I need to hear." 

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