|31| • Everest

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I watched as Amelia paced around her room, holding her arms tight against her chest, her head down. She was distraught, I knew that much. When she called me, jumbling her words and sniffling into the speaker, I knew I had to take my break from the mechanic workshop to come to her. There was a slight chance I'd be later than intended because Amelia wasn't holding up well, but it didn't matter. She came first, at least in this matter.

"Baby..." I tried again, threading softly. I had seen Darrick drop her off, when I tried asking what was wrong, he simply scoffed, muttering under his breath, I kid you not, it took all I could muster not to punch him. After how he manipulated his so-called best friend, he still dared to stay on his high horse. Amelia turned to me, wiping her face which she asked me not to touch. I knew she wasn't angry at me, I just wanted to know who the anger was directed towards. "Why are some people so...vile?" Amelia questioned, looking me square in the eyes.

"Uh...it's," Did she expect me to come up with an answer on the spot? Her gaze pressured me before I could complete my sentence, and she carried on with her words. "I know things don't go our way as we want them to, but that is no excuse! It is no excuse to be so mean!" I nodded silently.

"I know your white suit might be so expensive and I said sorry! No, I was sorry! Does that give her the right to curse at me? To yell and embarrass me in the middle of my favourite bakery?" Oh, now I was getting information on what happened when she was out with Darrick.

Was this the first time I was entering her room? I think it was the second, it still made me nervous, the theme of the room suited her well. Some decorations were neatly placed around the walls, giving them more warmth. I liked it. Alright, I needed to focus on the woman whose toes Amelia accidentally stepped on.

"I...I didn't even know what to do. She treated me like I was some sort of peasant child!" This was the first time I'd seen Amelia so flared; it was an interesting look. Her eyebrows were scrunched up, her hands gesticulating at any slight word. I found it oddly cute how she asked me questions but spoke on as though it needed no answer. "I'm curious."

I perked up.

"On what, baby?"

"Is naïve written on my forehead? I know my forehead is a bit large but is it? Maybe it's something only others can see." I bit my lip, holding back laughter, now how did my little lady expect me to answer that? 

Sighing, I got up and she stopped pacing, biting her lip while looking daintily at me. Goodness, why did she have to give me such an expression? "Look." Both of my hands clasped her arm, making her stand upright.

"Whether or not your forehead is big, it's still cute." When I laid a kiss on it, she giggled, lightly holding my sides. 

"And you're not naïve, baby." I heard her mumble, making out what she said. She thought I was saying this to make her feel better but in all honesty. I wasn't. The Amelia I'd come to deeply care about was on a steady journey of growth, she wasn't naïve, merely out of touch after being protected by her father.

I adored how optimistic she was, it happened to be one of my favourite traits in her. "You think so?" I heard her more audible this time because she was looking up at me, her lips pouted. Her lips...think clean thoughts, Simon. They were pink, glistening in gloss, it seemed as though I was in a daze.

"U-uh...yes. I think so." Think what? Ah, I needed to stop daydreaming. Seeing her eyes drop to my lips made the desire brew more. "Amelia..." 

Was that a warning for her? Or myself? Before I could hold myself, I leaned into her, our lips touched...again.

The kiss was similar to the kiss at the ball, slow, and better. Her soft lips felt lovely, I cupped her waist, deepening the kiss. Was she okay with this? I mean, she was kissing me back. Dear God, I hoped I didn't just cross a line and make her uncomfortable. Absentmindedly, my tongue touched hers in the kiss. She gasped, pushing me back.

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