|32| • Everest

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She scented vanilla, a faint scent yet it harrassed my nose when she climbed on top of me. I chuckled, eyeing her suspiciously, Florescent gave me a toothed grin, flipping her wild wavy hair. "Don't you like this position?" I teased, mirroring her expression. I loved how bold Flo was, she shrugged her shoulders, feigning innocence which wasn't her forte. "I do." She hushed, laying soft kisses on my lips.

"I love you." I found myself saying absentmindedly. Florescent laughed, licking her lips. "You better."

"We're forever, right?" Flo asked, her intense gaze holding me in place. Forever...with Flo? That idea made my insides turn into joy. I didn't mind, I wanted it even. I knew right then, in such a sweet and intimate moment, I should have admitted putting my name on the enrollment list into the military. If I weren't so keen on finding the right moment, perhaps I wouldn't have waited until after I had popped the question, giving more room for my heart to be ripped out of my body. "Right, Simon?" She pressed, poking my chest. I chuckled, nodding.

"Darn right we are."

After so long, seeing her again made my chest clench in a way I did not understand. Questions filled my mind but none left my lips, I just stared. In disbelief, nostalgia rose an army of goosebumps on my skin. Florescent was here, in Abel's workshop, and she recognized me. An elbow nudged me, in an attempt to break the forsaken daze I was in. I hummed absentmindedly, still staring at the woman. She wore an orange-flair dress that barely brushed her mid-thigh, and a dark orange blazer hung against her shoulder. Florescent's dark brown wavy hair was packed up in a professional bun. Her porcelain skin made the orange outfit pop, no wonder the woman turned a few heads.

She seemed as shocked as I was.

Her wide eyes formed slits, her lips going up in a smirk. "You didn't die." Was the first thing Flo said, confidently walking towards me, her hips swaying. "Well, I'd be darned." Her arms were spread out, requesting a hug and without thinking, I did. My hands wrapped around her small waist, tightening the grip just to make sure she was really there. Florescent had a familiar scent; vanilla. "You big fool, I missed you so much." The woman whispered, her voice croaking. My heart ached.

I never humoured the thought that I'd ever see her again, and even if I did, what I expected was a slap. Not a warm hug. "Are you mute now, Simon?" Good Lord, she had really grown over the years, hearing the way she called me that, I broke in a chuckle.

"I-ah-no." My cheeks flushed in embarrassment. Still holding my neck, she grinned. "You work here?" I nodded, not trusting my voice.

"Welcome to the workshop, what can I do for you?" I recognized that voice, and the first thing which rang in my head was my little lady. Quickly, I stepped back, a hand going up to scratch my neck. A nervous action. Abel spared me a questioning glance before looking back at Florescent. As always, Flo caught on fast, eyeing the both of us suspiciously.

"It's my car. Bashed the hell out of the front. I need it fixed before the weekend."

Abel nodded. "Should we check it out?" Florescent pursed her lips. "Actually, I'd love it if Simon helped me out. He works here, no?" Ah...really? I didn't want Abel to have the wrong idea. It wasn't as though this was a reunion of long friends, it was much embarrassing as it was shocking. Abel rose his eyebrow, humming.

"You too are close?" He questioned smoothly. Flo shrugged her shoulder with a sly smile.

"Closer than you think." Was she teasing him? I didn't need uncertainty from him. Immediately, I pitched in. "We used to date. But, that's a long time ago." Did that make it better? Perhaps I shouldn't have said anything because the look on Abel's face wasn't so convincing. "Used to date? You proposed to me, loverboy." My heart skipped a when she said that. I felt darn flustered.

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