|11| • Everest

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I was nervous.

Hah, how embarrassing.

This was the third time my hand had run across my denim jeans to remove the excess moisture on them. Taking in a deep breath, I tried calming myself down. Perhaps I was more excited to go on this date than I thought. I hadn't seen Amelia in days, I wasn't able to call her either. But as I said before; baby steps. 

She had given me her house address and I was currently on my way there, sweating buckets while driving in a fully air-conditioned car. Goodness, okay, I had to calm down. I was the one who called it a date, no? Chuckling at the battle in my head, I thought back to yesterday's events. That Abel of a guy seemed awfully familiar and I didn't know why. Although I wanted to ask if they needed an extra hand at the mechanic shop, I decided against it. 

Sure, I knew about cars but not enough to land me a job there. 

Shaking off my thoughts, I slowed as the car rolled into a neighbourhood. There was quite the difference from mine; this neighbourhood was livelier, from my side mirror I could see children on scooters and bicycles, giggling. My lips subconsciously cracked into a smile. Their dark skin glistened with sweat as they played vigorously, the area embodies joy. Perhaps that was where Amelia got her happiness from. I kind of envied how united they seemed. 

As described, I reached a cream and burgundy coloured house, a small white gate fenced the entrance. It was Amelia's home. Pondering whether to come out or not, I dialled her number, trying to normalize my breathing. Goodness, I pray this goes well. From what my ex-girlfriend told me, I was clueless about how to wine and dine a woman. 

"Hey, sweetheart." I worded smoothly when she picked up. I heard shuffling than a small huff. "Everest! I'm so sorry! Are you here already?" Her cute panic made me chuckle, I knew how long women tend to take when dressing, it was interesting to see her this way. "Right outside your gate, but take your time, alright?"

"I...I won't! I'm almost done though." Her tone was light but determined as if she had increased her speed in doing this. Chuckling, "Hey, don't worry, Amelia. I said I'll wait." I didn't want her feeling pressured to show up on time, to be honest, I was a bit earlier than I said I would come. But could you judge a man? The nerves were eating up my insides.

"You...you won't get angry and leave?" 

Amelia's words caused my eyebrows to knit unconsciously. 

"Of course not."

It was as though a sigh of relief let her lips. "T-thanks Everest." How could she get more adorable? Adjusting on my seat, I began to hum, keeping myself company as I waited. I hadn't yet decided where to take her, it was either a fancy restaurant or a more casual one. The last thing I wanted to do was scare her by being so fancy or extravagant. 

What was she going to wear? A flower-patterned dress? It seemed like that was her favourite pattern to wear. It matched her personality and beautiful features. Shaking my head, I decide not to linger on her for much longer. 

My phone vibrated, causing me to look outside instinctively, had she come out already? Reading through the caller ID, my heart clenched when I saw it was Penelope calling. Had something happened to Gabe? Had he woken up? Abruptly, I sat up and with shaky hands, I put the phone to my ear. No...had his family decided to cut his life support? My fists automatically clenched at the thought. 

"Penelope? What is it?"

 Forget greetings, I was way past that in thoughts. When I heard a cry come from her, my heart dropped. No, no, no! What the hell is happening? "Penelope! Speak to me!" I pushed and she hiccuped a cry even louder. "It's Gabe! He--he's missing, Everest! I-I c-ca." She was stuttering too much for me to make out her words but I sure as hell knew I heard two words clearly. 

He's missing.


Gabe was missing?

The manner in which my heart raced was ungodly, what did she mean he was missing? Did he just opt and fly out of the hospital in what? Crutches? "How is that possible? When did he wake up?" I rushed out, not getting all the questions out of my head. This was horrid, an injured man wandering to God knows where. Penelope cried harder.

"I don't know Everest! I-I c-came and the doctors s-said he was gone! What am I going to do?! What if he gets into an accident and dies again?! I don't know what to do, Everest. Please, I need you..." Crap. Taking deep breaths, I strapped on my seatbelt in speed, adjusting the clutch into reverse. 

Gabe was awake and missing.

"Where are you, Pen?"

 Reversing out, I sped out of the estate and into the main road. If I didn't go to him now, the guilt would devour me whole before tomorrow. 

"I, I'm outside the hospital. I can't drive, I'm shaking so bad, Everest!" If I acted this way, I could only imagine how she was feeling. Probably more shitty than me.

"I'm coming, okay? Stay put. We'll search for him." As I hung up, my hands went to tug on my hair in frustration. Anger and confusion were bubbling in me. How could the hospital let such a thing happen? 

Speeding towards the hospital with a full mind was a difficult task, horns blaring at my carelessness, I hoped I wouldn't get pulled over by the cops. I reached the hospital in record time, seeing a quivering Penelope, she was beside the garden near the hospital. She was shaking like a leaf. Her brown hair was a nest, the wind scattered the strands and she didn't bother arranging them. 

"Goodness, Penelope." Her head snapped towards me, her cheeks were tear-stained. "Everest!" Under normal circumstances, we'd settle for a handshake or side hug, but this was different. She enveloped me in a full, comforting hug, her quivering body pressed against mine. "What if he's lost? Or--" I shushed her, overthinking wasn't going to solve anything.

"I'm so sorry I called you into this, I didn't know who else to reach that would care as much." 

"It's fine, of course, I care."

"What did the doctors say?" She inhaled shakily, wiping her ears and combing through her hair. "I came hours ago, but when I reached there, his bed was empty. The doctors said he woke up a few days ago and asked not to notify anyone. How dare they?!" 

Penelope huffed in anger. "Just because of my work, I couldn't visit him last week and the one before. I felt so horrible and now I hear he's missing?!"

"They didn't discharge him?"

"No! He wasn't supposed to be for another week but that adamant prick ran off the moment he learnt how to walk again!"

"And they said his mind is still confused but his body is well. Everest, I'm just so scared because he even left his belongings." 

A sigh left my lips, this was all too confusing. If he woke up, why didn't he want anyone to know about it? Not even his family! This boy needs a good scolding. If he was still confused, where on earth did he think he would reach before giving up? Knowing Gabe, the first place he would go was Sapphire -- his girlfriend's (or rather ex-girlfriend's) place. Did he even remember where she lived? 

"I have an idea, do you know if Sapphire still lives here?"

"She relocated months ago, Everest, sold her house and everything. But yeah, I know where she used to live."

"Let's check the address first, then we'll check his apartment." She nodded hastily, behind me as I rushed into the car. "We'll get your car later." Once she was strapped in, I turned out of the hospital, Penelope explaining the address to me. 

As I drove passed the trees, silently praying Gabe didn't get himself injured out alone like that, my mind went back to what I was supposed to do today, to the reason I dressed so nicely and dozed myself in perfume.

Dammit, I had just stood Amelia up on our first date.

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