|54| • Amelia

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"You're cheating!"

 I gasped, getting up on my knees as I pointed to Everest who held an innocent look on his face. Ha! His handsome face wouldn't distract me anymore. "No, I'm not." He responded with a playful scoff, taking the dice from me to roll it.

It had been three days already and I was getting more comfortable in his apartment, I loved Everest's company. Yesterday, we went to get some board games for the house and I couldn't wait to play the Ludo, so I whined until he agreed.

But he cheated!

How was he rolling so conveniently to target each of my players successfully, dropping me back home where I started? Ugh! This was annoying! He had three of his pieces already in, the last one not too far behind. I'd have picked another game if I knew he was this good. The smirk on his lips just told me how much he was enjoying this.

"Yes, you are," I grumbled, folding my arms with knitted eyebrows. Evie glanced at me, a chuckle leaving his lips. "Maybe I'm just that good." His cockiness made me roll my eyes. Sticking my tongue at him, I narrowed my gaze. "Just play already."

Everest bellowed a burst of laughter. "And here I thought my baby was a good sport." He teased, poking my sides, which I immediately jumped to, glaring at him. "C'mon, smile at me...before I finish you off." Everest said, cocking his head to the board on his bed, his grin taunting me. Finish me off? He knew the next play would mean the game was over.

"Play." I deadpanned with a frown.

I just knew he was going to cheat again — however he did it with me looking — he'd roll the dice and get the exact number to eat me! Smirking, Evie rolled the dice in the small black container, dropping it on the board while still covering it. He peered his dazing brown eyes at me. I stared back, holding in a pout. My heart was thudding admittedly — not just because I was about to lose.

"Are you ready?" He hummed, teasing me with those eyes. Narrowing mine, I shrugged. Gosh, he was even better than Darrick at these board games. "Give me a kiss and I'll let you roll my dice." Evie offered out of the blue.

Blushing, I playfully pushed his shoulders. "You're so sure you'll win this, aren't you?" He shrugged, pouting his lips in for a kiss. How could I decline? I leaned into him, moving to his ear before our lips touched. "In your dreams, Evie." Before pulling away with a smirk on my face. He smiled, shaking his head.

"Okay then." Unveiling the cup, the dice were an eight, four on each die. Nibbling on my lip, I watched as he counted his piece, "Eight, nine...ten." His pawn landed on the one I'd brought out, so close to home. My jaw dropped in disbelief. Everest grinned, gazing at me. "Game over, my love."

 How was that even possible? I barely got any of my pawns to its home. Crossing my arms against my chest, I shrugged. "Whatever, cheater." Okay, maybe I thought he'd be bad at this because he was older than me and was too busy doing other things besides playing board games. Everest snickered, taking the board to drop it on the rug in front of his bed. "Is my baby mad?" He teased, tilting his head. 

Pouting, I shook mine. "No, I'm not." 

"Then say I won fair and square." Oh, now he was just pushing it. A scoff left my lips before I knew it. Fair and square? Yeah right. I heard him hum expectantly, leaning closer into my space. He scented so well, like oud perfume. "Amelia..."He trailed off, his tone almost as though he was warning me. Heat trickled down to my belly, it was getting harder not to be so close to him all the time, all I wanted to do was let him hold me, kiss me...goodness, I didn't know I could be so lewd.

 A shudder went down my back when his hands pushed me back against the bed.

Wait, why was I lying flat on his bed? No, the better question was, why was he caging my way of escape with his body? Biting my lip, I tried to keep my mind clean but it was proving difficult. "Look at me, darling," Evie instructed, his voice teasing and stern at the same time. Hesitantly, I gazed his way, his eyes already on mine.

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