|24| • Amelia

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Darrick was here.

I was about to check why my phone buzzed -- I know phones weren't allowed during work hours but I really wanted to check because what if it was Everest?! I didn't though, because when Preston popped up, I shoved my phone back into my pocket with a nervous giggle. He told me someone was asking for me, which was weird, who knew me on this side of town? 

My best friend did. 

Honestly, I didn't know how to feel about him being here. Why did I have to face him so soon? Seeing how angry Evie was when I told him what happened, made me think it out. I was easily swayed by his request, goodness, I felt pretty darn stupid because of it. I hadn't even messaged him for so long because of that! How did he know I was working here?

Did Abel tell him?

Darrick sat at the table for two beside the window, he had his head down but I could still recognise him from his curls and honey skin. I didn't want to be angry at him, I acted on my own, but I was a bit uneasy about our kiss. Clearing my throat did the trick because his head snapped up, so fast it almost frightened me! I giggled, stepping back. "Hi-ya there!" I tried to play off with a smile, trying not to meet his eye.

This was awkward. What was I meant to do after kissing my best friend? 

"Amelia...you're really here." He sounded out of breath, I wanted to meet his eyes, and feel his warm gaze, but I was too awkward for that now. "I heard you asked for me, uh...how do you know where I work?" He chuckled, looking down while playing with his brown curls. "I actually went to yours but your dad said you went to work. So I called Abel and he filled me in on the location." I nodded. "Oh..." That was all I could say.

"Uh...welcome to Margret's Delight, how can I be of help?" He was still at the diner and I was still at work. "Oh, right. I uh, I guess I'll have a chocolate budding and banana milkshake." I giggled at the request. "But you don't like chocolate." Darrick smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes.

"I was actually going to give it to you, as an apology gift."

I pursed my lips. Darrick heaved a sigh before looking me dead in the eyes. Eek, I wasn't ready for this conversation just yet. "About the kiss, I know it was sudden and all. I also know it may have made you uncomfortable. I'm sorry about that." I nodded, looking towards my feet, I had on a pink converse today, paired with white socks.

"It...it did make me feel uncomfortable Darrick. And, a bit naive." I admitted, the words 'it's fine' were at the tip of my tongue but I decided against it. It wasn't fine, at least not for me. Darrick sighed, tugging on his hair. "I know. I just wanted to kiss you, knowing I wouldn't have the chance again, especially with..." He stopped. "It's nothing. There's no excuse." 

The air was tense. I hated this. Not knowing what else to do, I rocked the balls on my feet. "I'll get your order ready." Before shuffling towards the counter where Misan was. "One chocolate fudge and a banana milkshake," I repeated his order then she gave me the receipt. "Everything okay?" She asked monotonously without looking up. "You sound out of breath but didn't run here."

I'd come to know that Misan was observant and quiet. Skillfully twirling the strands of black hair blocking her sight, she twisted it into loops before securing it with a hairpin. She looked up at me with an eyebrow raised. "You sound flustered is what I meant to say." I blushed, looking away from her intense gaze.

"Right, that's Darrick, he's a friend of mine and we had a fight," I explained briefly, not wanting to get too into details. She muttered an 'ah, I see.' "But yeah, I'm alright." Her gaze shifted from me to Darrick. "He's just a friend?" I nod.

Misan cocked her head to the show glass. "You should go hand him his order." She was smirking. "It's not what you think!" This was embarrassing, taking out his order, I shuffled back towards him. "Here you are." 

His Little AmeliaWhere stories live. Discover now