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s2, ep9: Katerina

❝can we go back? this is the moment, tonight is the night, we'll fight till it's over❞


When Juliette walked downstairs the next morning she did not expect to see Rose sitting on one of the couches in the library. She though that Rose would go anywhere else, now that Elijah was 'dead', not come back to Mystic Falls also known as the supernatural beacon.

It seemed Elena was just as confused as they walked in together. The two girls looked at each other, then back at Rose, then back at each other, then at Stefan. After Stefan explained what was going on, Elena calmed down and Juliette got over the confusion so they both sat down.

"You have to understand that I only know what I've picked up over the years," Rose told them. "And I don't know what's true and what's not true but I guess Juliette can confirm some things for us. But Klaus I know is real."

Juliette scoffed. "He's real alright, a real pain in the arse," Juliette told them.

Elena looked between them all. "Who is he?" She asked.

"He's one of the originals, he's a legend." Damon answered.

"The first generation of vampires," Stefan continued.

"Like Elijah?" Elena asked, but specifically looking at Juliette for confirmation.

Rose shook her head. "No. Elijah was the easter bunny compared to Klaus," She said and Juliette raised her eyebrows. Elijah could be quite scary when he wanted to be. "He's a foot soldier. Klaus is the real deal."

Juliette snorted. "He's no real deal," Juliette argued. "He's a dick.

"Klaus is known to be the oldest," Stefan informed Elena.

Elena furrowed her eyebrows. "okay, so you're saying that, the oldest vampire in the history of time, is coming after me?" She asked but there were mixed opinions.

"No." Stefan declined. But Juliette put in a very blunt, "Yes."

"I mean, if what these two are saying is true-"

"-Which it is," Juliette interrupted him with a fake smile.

"And you're not just saying it so we don't kill you-"

"-Which we're not," Rose also interrupted as Damon stood next to her.

"Then we're looking at a solid maybe," Damon finally finished but Juliette scoffed.

"No, it's a solid yes," She corrected them all. "Klaus is coming for you because he is determined to break this god damn curse." Elena had a hint of fear in her eyes.

"Look, Elijah's dead, right?" Stefan said and Juliette smiled. "So no one else knows you even exist."

"Not that you know of," Rose butted in.

"Not helping," Damon told her. "And what's up with you smiley?"

Juliette looked at them all before keeping her eyes on Stefan. "How sure are you that Elijah's dead?" She asked him.

"Are you saying that Elijah's alive?" Damon asked in disbelief but Juliette didn't answer. "No way, I killed him." Once again, Juliette kept her mouth shut.

Stefan shook his head and turned back to Elena. "Look, I've never met anyone who's even laid eyes on him apart from Jules, who's on our side." Juliette just looked at him. "I think. I mean, we're talking centuries of truth mixed with fiction. We don't know what's real, he could be a bedtime story."

Maybe he was but she certainly wasn't.

"He's real," Juliette argued again with Rose on her side. "And he's coming for Elena. If he wants something he gets it and, apart from me and a few others, if you're not afraid then you're an idiot."

"All right we're shaking," Damon said sarcastically. "You made your point."

Elena and Juliette made eye contact with one another and decided to go to school together so they grabbed their bags and stood up. "Where are you going?" Stefan asked.

"School," Elena answered. "We're late."

Stefan pushed himself off the couch. "Let me grab my stuff, I'll go with you." He said but Elena shook her head. Juliette raised her eyes and made eye contact with Damon. Trouble in paradise.

"That's okay, we know where it is." With that, Elena and Juliette walked out the door.


So it turns out Elena wasn't planning on going to school but instead going to interrogate Katherine about Klaus. Caroline was talking to them as they walked through the woods to the church ruins.

"Tell everyone I wasn't feeling well and went home from school," Elena told her. "And that Jules came to keep me company so I wasn't alone."

"Aren't I so kind," Juliette muttered, hearing her part in the story.

"I can't believe I'm agreeing to this," Caroline huffed and Juliette laughed. "I'm a terrible liar."

"Keep Stefan busy. I don't want him knowing what I'm up to." Elena ignored Caroline's complaints.

Caroline threw her hands up in the air. "I'm even worse a duplicity!" She exclaimed. "And you know this."

"You managed to keep me occupied when Katherine paid Stefan a visit," Elena reminded her bitterly.

"Yeah, because she threatened me."

Juliette grabbed the blonde's shoulders. "All right, I'll threaten you. Keep Stefan occupied or I will rip into your mother in the most gruesome way possible while you stand there and watch and then I'll heal her and do it all over again." Juliette told her with a straight face.

"What?" She whispered. She shook her head. "Stefan's gonna see right through me!"

"Caroline, as my friend, do you promise or not?" Elena asked, damn, she pulled out the friend card.

Caroline sighed. "You had to break out the girlfriend code. Okay, I promise."

Elena and Juliette began to trek down the stairs to the opening of the tomb with Caroline following behind. 

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Caroline asked again when they reached the bottom.

"Yes. She's the only one, apart from Jules who isn't giving any answers, who knows the truth about Klaus," Elena said. "And who can tell me how to stop him."

"But you're asking the truth from someone who's probably never even given it!" Caroline tried to reason. "Are you sure about this?"

"Yes, yes, she'll be fine." Juliette assured her and waved her hand. "And Elena has this need to know."

The two vampires looked at each other before removing the door to the tomb, after that it only took a few seconds before Katherine came into view. "Hello darling." Juliette waved and smirked when she saw the state her old friend was in. Her dress was disheveled and her hair was a mess, it was quite a sight.

Katherine smiled sarcastically. "Hello Elena, come to watch me wither away?" She asked, leaning against the wall for support. "Goodbye Caroline."

Elena turned to the blonde. "As long as I stay on this side of the door, she can hurt me." Elena reminded her.

"Physically." Juliette added, not really helping with the situation. With that, Caroline walked off leaving the three girls alone. "Let's get started shall we ladies?"

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