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s2, ep17: Know Thy Enemy

❝run fast for your mother, run fast for your father. run for your children, for your sisters and brothers❞


Juliette seemed to be getting a lot of distress calls from Elena these days, and she got one this morning saying that Isobel, Elena's birth mother and Ric's 'dead' wife, was back in town and showed up on their doorstep so now Jenna wasn't leaving her room.

Juliette and Ric turned up at the Gilbert house at the same time. "Is she up yet?" Ric asked Elena when the girl opened the door.

Elena shook her head. "She won't come out of her room," She informed the two as they walked in.

"This is not good, like, at all." Juliette muttered, running a hand through her hair. "What did you tell her?"

"Nothing. She won't talk to me," Elena said and her voice broke a little bit.

"We have to fix this Elena," Juliette said in a condescending tone.

There was suddenly a light patter of feet as Jenna came down the stairs. "Hey," Elena greeted.

"Jenna!" Ric also greeted.

Jenna didn't look any of them in the eye. "I don't want you here Ric. You need to go," She told him. "Why is Juliette here?"

Nobody answered and Juliette looked at the floor guiltily.

Tears filled Jenna's eyes slightly. "You knew about the Isobel thing too. Great," She said, her voice breaking slightly.

"Okay, listen. I can't begin to imagine what you must be feeling right now," Alaric began softly.

"Rage and betrayal would pretty much cover it," Jenna snapped, but she had every right to feel like that. Juliette had felt that too many times in her life after being lied to.

"Where are you going?" Elena asked.

"I'm going to stay on campus. I have a thesis to write and I don't wanna stay in this house," She told them harshly.

"Jenna please, just stop. Let us explain to you exactly what is going on," Alaric said but Jenna ignored him.

"Elena, I need you to go to the Lockwood's today and accept the Historical Society's check for your mum's foundation," Jenna said, looking at the girl. 

"Jenna, please, just-"

"I don't have it in me to hear any more lies from you!" She snapped, a single tear falling from her eye before she finally left.

"Let her go," John Gilbert's voice came from behind them. Juliette rolled her eyes. "It's better that she's not here with everything that's going on. But, maybe had you been a little more honest from the beginning-"

He was cut off as Alaric punched him in the face and broke his nose. Juliette laughed loudly while Alaric apologised.

"Please, don't apologise. That was amazing," Juliette told him through her and Elena's giggles.

"You know this is your fault, right?" Elena reminded him.

He just nodded.


"Oh this is bad. Between Isobel and Jenna, and now Matt. This is disaster bad," Elena said and Stefan sighed.

"Why, what's wrong with Matt?" Juliette asked, not realising there was something wrong.

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