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s3, ep6: Smells like teen spirit

❝hand in my hand and we promised to never let go, we're walking a tightrope❞


Since Klaus had ditched them, Juliette had nothing better to do than go back to school so here she was, nervously walking up to Caroline and Bonnie on her first day of senior year.

"Hey guys." She said from behind them, making them turn around.

Caroline threw her arms up in excitement and ran over to her and Bonnie had a smile on her face. "You're here!" Both girls said excitedly.

"Wait, you guys aren't mad at me or anything? About last night?" She asked in confusion.

"Of course not," Bonnie said. "You didn't even do anything. You literally just stood there. You siblings and ex-husband on the other hand..."

Juliette shook her head. "let's not talk about them. We're not on good terms."

"Okay, let's not talk about that then. We are starting senior year people!" Bonnie and Juliette chuckled at the blonde's excitement. "New year, new us."

"Amen to that." Juliette agreed and the three walked in together. After closing her locker, she looked over and saw Stefan with ahold of Elena's arm so she walked over. "let go of her arm Stefan."

"Ah, Juliette Mikaelson, always to the rescue. Klaus told me to keep and eye on her and that's what I'm doing, don't make me hurt you Jules."

Juliette laughed. "Hurt me? I got eight hundred years on you sweetheart, and you can't even kill me. I could kill you in this hallway so quickly no one would blink an eye. It's not like my brother would care either, you're not the only one keeping an eye on Elena."

She grabbed Elena's arm and the two walked to class without waiting for his reply. "You wouldn't actually kill him, right?" Elena asked as they walked. 

"Elena, you forget who I am sometimes. I may be your friend but that won't stop me from killing Stefan if I have to." Juliette told her and Elena just nodded as they sat down in their seats.

Alaric began talking once everyone had sat down. "Welcome back seniors," He said and Juliette scoffed under her breath. "let's, uh, turn our brains back on by starting with this country's original founders. The native Americans."

"What about the vikings?" A voice asked. Juliette's head snapped up to see Rebekah and Aaron walking in.

Alaric looked at them. "Well, there's no evidence that viking explorers actually settled in the United States. Who are you two?"

"I'm Aaron and this is Rebekah. We're the new kids, and history's our favourite subject."


"Are you just not going to talk to me now?" Aaron asked her as Juliette walked away from school.

Juliette shrugged. "Well, yes. That was the general idea." She said and Aaron scoffed. "Don't scoff at me. If you're bored I'm pretty sure Rebekah's still inside if you want to go and have a quickie in the janitors closet."

"You know, you sound like Zaria with that teenage attitude." He replied.

"Don't bring her into this," Juliette told him. Silence came over them for a few seconds. "Did she enjoy her birthday?"

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