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s2, ep19: Klaus

❝you got that James dean daydream look in your eye and I got that red lip classic thing that you like❞


England, 1492

Juliette had met Katerina on her 'get away' in Bulgaria and after staying there longer than expected, she quickly became friends with the girl. Now, she had made her way back to England, this time, with Katerina. When she got back, Juliette's rank as Lady had been reinstated.

"You really are a social butterfly, you know that?" Katerina teased the girl, who had been talking with people all night.

Juliette went to reply until she saw the two men that walked up behind Katerina. Trevor, Elijah and Aaron.

"Hello," Katerina greeted Elijah, who was lost for words. Juliette found it quite amusing, considering she was the exact same.

Both Aaron and Elijah were lost in a daze, not expecting Juliette to live up to her word about finding the doppelgänger and bringing her back to them.

"Juliette, it's good to see you," Elijah said and Aaron smiled and nodded his head.

"You to brother," She replied. His eyes went back to Katerina.

"Forgive me, you remind us of someone," Elijah said, shaking his head to come back to reality.

"My words exactly," Juliette muttered under her breath so only Aaron and Elijah heard her.  Aaron spat out a bit of his drink. "Aaron! Watch your manners," She scolded him.

"Katerina, may I introduce the Lords Elijah and Aaron," Trevor said. "And Juliette, it seems you've already made their acquaintance." 

Katerina looked shocked and the titles but quickly regained her posture. She placed her hand in Elijah's to be kissed. "A pleasure, my Lord," She greeted and curtsied.

"The pleasures mine Katerina." He kissed her hand. Aaron and Juliette shared an uneasy glance.

The four chatted for a while, but most of the time, Katerina and Elijah kept their eyes on each other. "So, where is this mysterious host I have heard so much about?" Katerina asked politely.

"Fashionably late, as always," Aaron said.

Juliette sipped on her drink. "Well our birthday boy does like to make an entrance," She remarked. 

Elijah motioned for someone to come over. "Here he is." He said.

Juliette couldn't really see her brother clearly but she watched as Katerina craned her neck to try and get a glimpse of their host. When he finally did come into view, a small smile took over Juliette's face. But then, he clearly didn't even notice her. 

"Katerina, may I introduce you to the Lord Niklaus," Elijah said. Katerina curtsied and Klaus kissed her hand. Neither of them broke eye contact.

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