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s3, ep9: Homecoming

❝Oh Darlin', I think I wanna marry you.❞


"Hey Jules." She heard Tyler greet her from behind.

Juliette turned around. "Tyler," She replied. "What brings you over here?"

He laughed. "My mom would seriously freak if she saw all these people here." He informed her.

"Oh don't worry," Juliette shook her head casually. "Nik compelled her to go to church and pray for your friends."

"What are you talking about?" He asked warily, his smile fading.

Juliette looped her arm through his. "I want you to look around," She told him and he did. "There's Bonnie. There's Elena and Matt. And there's my favourite blonde and your pretty girlfriend, Caroline. Their homecoming was wrecked tonight and who came through with a party? You did, darling."

"Isn't he a good pal?" Nik intervened, walking over having heard the conversation. "But I have to ask, who are all these other people?"

Tyler looked speechless for a moment. "I have no idea," He admitted. "I've never seen half these people in my life."

"That's because we invited a few dozen friends of our own," Nik smirked. "There's my friend Mindy, I picked her up on the way to Kansas. Did you know there's an entire bloodline of werewolves in the heartland?"

Juliette jumped in. "There's my daughter, Zaria and a very close friend of our, Angelina." She told him, The two witches could be seen dancing. "There's Tony, from North Dakota."

"Sister, let's not forget the Seattle contingent." Nik interrupted. 

"Hang on," Tyler realised. "Are those people all hybrids?" He asked.

"Why? Annoyed you're not the only one anymore?" Juliette retaliated in fake sadness. "They're here because they love a good party."

"And they, like you, were sired by me. They wish to serve their master," Nik bragged. "So if anyone should so much as make a move against me, they may feel obligated to retaliate."

"Feel free to warn your friends." Juliette finished joyfully.

"They're your friends too." Tyler snapped.

Her whole demeanour changed. "Not anymore. They stopped being my friends when they started divulging into my business and now suddenly my ex-husband and sister are nowhere to be seen."


Juliette had been dragged to the front door by Nik after she told him that someone named Mikael was at the door. She walked closely behind Nik, honestly still scared of her father.

"Hello Niklaus, Juliette." He greeted with a smug smirk on his face.

"Hello Mikael," Nik replied for both of them. "Won't you come in? Oh that's right, you can't."

"Or the two of you could come outside." Their father suggested.

Juliette quickly spoke up. "You only have one stake, you do know that you can only kill one of us right?" She reminded him.

"Oh, I know darling. I plan on killing one of you, because then the other will suffer with guilt for eternity."

Nik interrupted them. "My hybrids could tear you limb from limb." Behind Mikael, about 10 of Nik's hybrids walked slowly.

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