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season 3, episode 15

❝Fire on fire, would normally kill us. With this much desire, together we're winners.❞


The Mikaelson sisters had never really had a normal relationship, it was always quite strained. Despite being in a family full of brothers people would think they were close when in fact they were far from it.

Some would say it was due to Rebekah being jealous of Juliette being pretty enough to always have male attention, despite being married. Others would say it was Juliette's jealousy of Rebekah always being the perfect, ideal woman she somehow failed to be.

No matter how hard the brothers tried, the sisters would still try to rip each others throats out quite often though, even Juliette had to admit neither of the girls knew why they fought. Juliette wasn't an oblivious girl, she knew Rebekah was jealous of her looks and the attention she gained which is why she wasn't surprised that Rebekah slept with Aaron.

Although she still blamed that incident more on Aaron than Rebekah. Juliette originally tried to have a good relationship with her sister but gave up after Rebekah clearly wanted nothing to do with her. Then...their relationship died, as though they refused to admit they were even related.

So Juliette was confused when she saw Rebekah walk out of Aaron's room the morning after the ball. Apparently Rebekah had been out all night, or so she said. The two girls just looked at each other before Rebekah pushed past her, leaving Juliette and Aaron.

"Juliette-" Aaron tried to talk but she didn't let him.

Juliette shook her head. "No. I don't care," She replied, more likely convincing herself. "It's not my business."

Juliette walked off before Aaron could continue, knowing Rebekah had already gone to her room she met Nik and Kol in the foyer and they looked at her with sympathetic eyes.

"We saw Rebekah walk out of Aaron's room this morning." Kol told her.

"I can dagger him again if you like?" Nik suggested.

Juliette shook her head. "We're divorced, it's not my business anymore," The two brothers glanced at each other clearly not believing her. "You two going out?" She asked and the two nodded with amused looks on their faces. "Good, I'm driving."

"Actually Juliette," Elijah interrupted them. "I was hoping you could accompany me to see Elena."

That sounded a lot more fun.


Elijah had driven them to the old tunnels that connected to the caves the Mikaelson's hid in on full moons 1000 years ago. Elijah had previously explained to Juliette that he didn't believe what Elena told him about their mothers true intentions the night before.

They stepped out of the car as Elijah said, "Forgot how much I missed this land," He smiled.

Juliette smiled in return, remembering their fun memories 1000 years ago. "Feels like a lifetime ago." She reminisced.

Only a lifetime ago she gave birth, got married, still had her favourite little brother Henrik by her side - the only one who knew about Zaria and Jace. How she wished he could've met them.

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