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s3, ep3: The End of the Affair.

❝fire on fire would normally kill us, with this much desire together we're winners❞


New York, 1921

It had been 3 weeks since Mikael had found them in Chicago and since Juliette had dagger Rebekah. Nik had gone off somewhere else and Juliette and Aaron had stayed together. Probably a bad idea.

They were now sitting opposite each other on a table with a lawyer next to them with divorce papers. Aaron had told her that he had been having an affair with Rebekah while they were in Chicago. Juliette felt like she was going to throw up.

"Now we never have to see each other again." Juliette muttered with tears in her eyes as she picked up her suitcase. She was going to stay with Angelina and Zaria for a while.

Aaron kept his eyes on her. "I really am sorry." He told her, but it was nothing she hadn't heard in the past week.

"Yes well, sorry isn't going to undo everything you told me, is it?." Juliette's voice broke halfway through the sentence. 

That was her last sentence before she left, not seeing him until 20 years later. Happily ever after isn't always made for everyone.

flashback over

Chicago was exactly how Juliette remembered it, obviously it had changed quite a lot, but some of it hadn't changed a bit. It felt quite nostalgic to be there. Even though she only spent a week there with Nik, Rebekah and Aaron, she still enjoyed her time. 

"I can't believe this place is still here," Stefan said, looking around Gloria's now empty bar.

"You gotta be kidding me," Gloria's voice came from their right. Juliette laughed.

"So, a hybrid walks into a bar, and says to the bartender—" Klaus attempted to joke with a cheeky smile on his face.

"Stop," Gloria retaliated. "You may invincible, but that does not make you funny." She looked at Stefan. "I remember you." 

"Yeah. You're Gloria," Stefan realised. "Shouldn't you be...?"

"Old and dead? Now if I die, who's gonna run this place huh?"

Juliette chuckled. "Gloria's an extremely powerful witch."

"I can slow the ageing down with some herbs and spells," She replied. "But don't worry, it'll catch up to me one day."

"Stefan, why don't you go fix us up some drinks at the bar?" Klaus asked, but it was more of an order. The two originals were left alone with the witch. Klaus turned to Gloria. "You look ravishing, by the way."

"Flattery isn't getting you anywhere, Nik," Juliette said and sat down on the nearest chair.

"She's right. Don't start. I know why you're here," Gloria began. "A hybrid out to make more hybrids? That kind of word gets around."

"Told you," Juliette said in a sing-song voice.

Klaus shoved her. "What am I doing wrong?" He asked Gloria. "We broke the curse."

"You broke the curse," Juliette snapped and quickly corrected him.

"Obviously you did something wrong," Gloria sassed back. "Look, every spell has its loopholes. But a curse that old, we're gonna have to contact the witch who created it."

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