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s2, ep20: The Last Day

❝hold onto that feeling and don't let it go, cause we got the floor now get out of control❞


Italy, 1914

Italy was a gorgeous place, in Juliette's opinion anyway. She understood why the twins wanted their birthday here, so she and Aaron left New Orleans and made their way over to Italy. 

Everything was going perfect. Presents were opened, the four of them had dinner together and walked back home through the quiet night. It was peaceful and none of them could ever wish for anything more. Their little family was all they needed.

Until the next morning anyway.

Juliette was pacing through the house as Zaria and a few witch friends were doing locator spells. They had woken up this morning with no signs of Jace anywhere. Jace usually liked morning runs so that was what they imagined, but it hit 12:00 and everyone got worried.

"Juliette, the spells aren't working." One of the witches said.

Tears pricked at the woman's eyes. "Well get them to work!" She shouted.

"Mom, I can't find him anywhere," Zaria cried. "It's like he's vanished off the face of the earth!"

Aaron walked in. "Just keep trying, it's not possible for him to have just disappeared." Zaria ran off and kept trying. "You need to take a breath and relax." He said to his wife.

"Take a breath? Relax?" She asked incredulously. "My son is missing and no one can find him! I'm not relaxing until someone tells me where he is!"

Tears were streaming down the woman's face. Her children had been taken from her before and she didn't know if she could handle it again. Aaron pulled Juliette into his arms and hugged her, a few tears of his own falling.

He kissed the top of her head. "It's going to be alright, we're going to find him."

It wasn't alright, and they never found him.

flashback over

Juliette barged into the Salvatore house and found Elijah and Elena in the library. She had just left Angelina in the Grill until she got an SOS off Stefan. Angelina promised to try and find Nik and Juliette believed she was probably the one witch who could.

"Where's Stefan?" Juliette asked Elena.

"Gone to find Damon. Why?" She questioned.

Juliette showed Elena the message. "He said it was SOS!" She exclaimed.

Elena laughed a little. "He sent that to get you here quickly," Elena informed her and Juliette looked at her blankly.

"Are you serious? I was meeting up with a friend!" Juliette groaned in frustration and ran a hand through her hair. She sighed. "What are you two talking about?"

"I'm just showing Elena the elixir that saves the doppelgänger," Elijah said as Elena picked up a weird looking bottle. "Damon wasn't all too happy about it."

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