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s3, ep9: Homecoming

❝They say I did something bad, then why'd it feel so good?❞


"Mom, come on," Zaria complained as her, Juliette and Aaron sat in the Mystic Grill. "It's your birthday you have to do something!"

"I don't have to do anything." Juliette chuckled.

Zaria's jaw dropped. "Are you serious? A day that's all about you and you don't care?" She continued questioning.

"No, I don't even remember how old I'm turning-"

"1027," Aaron quickly interrupted and the two looked at him. "You're turning 1027."

Juliette looked at him for a minute. "Thanks, I haven't really been counting lately." She muttered.

Zaria looked between her parents for a moment. Something had changed, in a good way. She couldn't exactly put her finger on what it was but she knew it was good. For a thousand years she had watched her parents fall in love everyday, it was the type of love she wanted to have. 

But honestly, Zaria wasn't surprised when they got divorced, but she was upset. And she definitely didn't hide it.

"Listen, are we going to get ready for this homecoming or what?" Zaria asked. "Isn't it time for Rebekah to meet me as well?"

The two parents looked at each other. "Yeah, I suppose," Juliette agreed. "Come on, let's go." And the three stood up and headed back to the Salvatore house.


Juliette was going through her wardrobe, looking through her dresses when Aaron walked in. "Uh, hello?" She said in confusion.

He cleared his throat awkwardly. "Hi."

A moment of awkward silence went by. "So...is there a reason you're sat on the end of my bed in silence or...?" She tried to make conversation.

"It's about what I keep meaning to say to you before I always end up getting interrupted," He admitted. Juliette nodded and sat on the chair facing him. "I never had a full relationship affair with Rebekah."

Juliette went pale." What?" She questioned sharply.

"I slept with her once. You and I were going through a rough patch and she was missing Marcel, it was a mistake I know-"

"Damn right it was!" She interrupted him. "Why did you tell me you did, then?"

"Because Mikael told me too."

Everything went silent. "Come again?" Juliette whispered in shock. "Why would you listen to a thing he says?"

"He said, if I came up with a good reason for you to divorce me and hate me forever," Aaron began and gulped. "Then he would stop hunting you down, leave Zaria alone and only hunt Nik. And I know that's cruel to Nik but, i was told to choose between my family and my friend. I chose my family."

Juliette went silent, she had to take a minute to process this. "Why did you decide to spring this on me now? And, not to sound self-absorbed, but on my birthday?"

He sighed and sat next to her. "I don't know...I figured if you're going to be around Rebekah again you might not want to hate her for something that never happened."

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