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s3, ep7: Ghost Town

(for my sake can we pretend Henrik was a witch pls ty)

❝Who you gonna call?❞


When Juliette woke up that morning, something felt strange. She didn't know what but her mind was taken off it when she burst out laughing the minute she came downstairs. Damon was chained to a chair with a metal pole through his chest and his daylight ring on the floor.

Damon looked from Stefan to Juliette. "Did you do this?" He asked angrily.

She shook her head. "No, but whoever did is a bloody genius."

"Pretty messed up though, right?" Stefan stated when he examined the situation. Juliette walked over and quickly pulled out the pole from his chest with no warning.

"You're welcome." She told him and threw the pole on the floor. She walked out after that, not even caring that he was still chained to the chair, and met Aaron and Rebekah in the hallway. "Oh god."

"What's wrong, not happy to se my handsome face?" He asked cockily, bouncing down the stairs.

The two sisters looked at each other. "Why are you in such a good mood?" Juliette asked.

Aaron shrugged. "I don't know, I just woke up and something felt-"

"Different?" Rebekah interrupted. She shook her head. "Either of you going into town?" They both nodded. "Aaron, you can drive. Nice outfit Juliette."

"Thanks Rebekah, but I know that's just you trying to get back on my sweet side." Juliette rolled her eyes.

"You look like Blaire Waldorf." Aaron told her as he walked out the door and Juliette smiled proudly while Rebekah looked confused.

"Like who?"


"As a long time member of the historical society, I am especially proud to be kicking off this day of festivities," The mayor announced from the podium. "Thank you, volunteers. Tonight, we turn off our towns lights and flare up our lanterns in honour of the night of illuminations started by our ancestors 150 years ago."

Juliette scoffed at the speech. The founding fathers of Mystic Falls didn't create that tradition, the Mikaelson's themselves did, only back then they were lighting candles but it was practically the same thing.

"What are you scoffing at?" Jeremy asked in amusement from behind her, she turned around and he was standing with Alaric.

"Your ancestors didn't create that tradition, my family and I did. 1000 years ago." She informed them.

"Really?" Jeremy questioned and she nodded before he turned to Alaric. "What are we doing here?"

"Tobias Fell is the Head of the History department. I didn't have a choice." He shrugged and the other two laughed. The men looked at Juliette.

She sighed. "I don't know. I have nothing else to do so when I heard the Night of Illuminations was tonight, I thought it would be good fun." She told them.

"That explains you two, but what am I doing here?" Jeremy finished.

"Well, I'm the one that can fail you if you don't help me out." Alaric slightly threatened him and Elena walked over.

"Hey. Sorry I'm late, what did I miss?" The doppelgänger asked.

"Not much, just Ric threatening to fail Jeremy if he doesn't stay." Juliette summarised quickly with a mocking face and Jeremy pulled a face of annoyance.

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