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s2, ep11: By the Light of the Moon

❝even now when we're already over, I can't help myself from looking for you❞


"Now you've got this back, what are you gonna do with it?" Elena asked Bonnie with the moonstone in her hand.

The three girls were currently sat in Elena's bedroom.

"Right now, it's what's binding the Sun and the Moon curse. If I can figure out a way to remove the spell from the stone, the stone becomes useless."

Juliette had to bite her tongue as she watched in amusement as Bonnie was explaining to Elena how she was going to de-spell the moonstone. It wasn't the right time to tell them it was useless, she was waiting for Elijah's signal. At least, that's what he told her.

"According to Katherine, Klaus becomes vengeful." Elena stated.

"Maybe. If he finds out.' Bonnie remarked.

Juliette sighed. "Believe me, he'll find out. Somehow he always does. And when he does, you lot will end up dead because he discovered the flaw."

Elena looked scared. "Bonnie, can't this wait?" She asked. "Stefan is stuck in the tomb with Katherine, we've gotta get him out!"

"Stefan wants me to focus on this!" Bonnie argued.

"Don't listen." Elena told her. "He thinks he's protecting me, but he's wrong."

"I'm taking Stefan's side on this one," Bonnie shrugged. "We're not letting you get used in some creepy sacrifice ritual." She snatched the moonstone out of Elena's hands.

"But Jules already said-" Elena was interrupted by Jeremy walking through the door.

"What are you guys arguing about?" He asked the three girls as he walked further into the room.

"We're not arguing about anything," Bonnie told him and shot a glare towards the other two girls. She put the moonstone in her purse and stood up after sharing a knowing look with Jules and Jeremy. "I need a coffee."

Jeremy looked at Elena. "What?" She asked, still annoyed at Bonnie.

"Why are you some suicide mission?" He inquired.

Juliette laughed. "It's not suicide if she's gonna die anyway," She told the boy who looked at her in confusion. "Niklaus always seems to get what he wants, no matter the cost and the two Salvatore's are completely infatuated with her. Elena's gonna die, either in the sacrifice or in the brawl between the brothers."

"Well we can still try our best to save her," Jeremy replied weakly and walked out of the room awkwardly.

Elena sighed. "You're my only friend that understands why i'm doing this you know?"

"I'm not your friend darling," Juliette told her. "I'm only here to protect you."

"Jules, I've known you for almost a year. You're my friend, no questions." Elena told her and Jules laughed. Then, Elena slipped her hand into Bonnie's purse and pulled the moonstone out, she had no idea what was really going on. The two then walked down the stairs where they met Bonnie at the bottom.

"Where are you going?" The witch asked them.

"Um, to see Stefan," Elena lied. She was a terrible liar and it seemed Bonnie had caught on. Jules nodded when the witch looked at her.

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