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s3, ep14: Dangerous Liaisons

❝In a world of boys he's a, gentleman.❞


Juliette and Zaria were on their way back to Mystic Falls again due to Nik telling them that they were having a family reunion. Angelina had gone the night before, wanting to see Kol as early as possible but the other two wanted sleep beforehand.

Zaria was excited to meet the family but Juliette was nervous to see how they would react. Especially her mother, who had risen from the dead apparently. Just the usual. But Juliette could tell that Zaria was most excited to see her father again.

The two of them found it quite amusing how the Mikaelsons had now bought the biggest house in town. Juliette parked her car and Zaria jumped out like there was no tomorrow.

"You went after Elena?" She heard Nik say, presumably to Rebekah "What is wrong with you?"

Juliette decided to intervene as she walked in. "Elena put a dagger through her back, Nik, give her a break," She interrupted. "And let's be honest here, we all know she deserved it."

Nik payed her no attention. "Do you want another dagger in your heart?" He asked Rebekah who glared at her sister for the comment.

"Again with the dagger threats, Don't you have any other tricks?" Kol retaliated.

"He never does." Juliette laughed. She bounced down to give Nik a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Zaria walked in next and Nik gave her a hug to.

"I'm sorry, who's the girl?" Rebekah asked, seeing Zaria just standing in their living room.

Zaria quickly realised none of them knew who she was, apart from Angelina and Nik. "Oh right, sorry. I'm Zaria," She introduced herself. She turned to Finn, "You look older than everyone else so I'm assuming you're Finn," She turned to Kol, "Angelina looks like she wants to jump your bones so you're definitely Kol, which makes you Elijah," She finally turned to Rebekah, "Which makes you Rebekah. The woman who slept with my dad and caused my parents divorce."

All of that last part was said with a smile on her face. The family looked confused before Elijah came to the realisation first. "Well it's nice to meet you Zaria, and I'm assuming you're my niece." He looked at Juliette who smiled softly and everyone caught on.

"Well if everyone's done with sappy introductions," Zaria began and turned to Nik. "Where's my dad?"

"Dad's here." Aaron announced as he walked in the room. Zaria ran up and hugged him quickly and everyone else suddenly put the pieces together.

Kol furrowed his eyebrows. "Wait, you two got divorced?" Angelina hit him on the arm quickly.

"I told you this last night!" She whispered to him.

"Bloody hell, go back to staring at yourself." Nik growled at him.

Kol looked at him playfully. "And who are you, my father?"

"No Kol, but you're in my house." Nik snapped back.

"Here we go." Juliette muttered, taking some of Rebekah's champagne.

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