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s2, ep13: Daddy Issues

❝go ahead and cry little girl, nobody does it like you do❞


Rose had passed the previous night after Juliette had staked her when Damon had taken her mind somewhere peaceful. When they first met, Rose was an amazing friend to Juliette and Rose had appreciated having another girl around the house. 

Despite how she had acted the day she was kidnapped, Juliette was truly glad to see the girl but knowing her friend was gone hurt her. Juliette, for the first time in a long time, cried for the death of her friend for most of the night. However, Juliette was happy knowing she spent her last moments in peace after a day of pure pain.

The original knew she had the power to heal Rose but she couldn't risk the real curse being leaked, so Juliette chose herself over Rose. She always chose herself over everyone but her daughter.

That morning, Juliette had gotten a distress call from Elena saying John Gilbert, her uncle slash father, had arrived back in town the previous night. Juliette told her she would come over and that's exactly what she did.

Juliette barged into the Gilbert house and walked straight to the kitchen. She smiled at Elena but it dropped when she turned and saw the man in the room. Juliette rolled her eyes.

"You're a vampire." He stated. Of course, a stranger had barged into his house and those were his first words. 

Juliette shrugged. "Your point?" She asked him.

He crossed his arms over his chest. "Elena shouldn't be hanging around vampires, you're dangerous," He said.

"Yes, I am dangerous," She agreed and mimicked his actions. "But this is a free country, is it not?"

Elena had a smug look on her face, knowing that Juliette was going to be on her side the whole time. "So, John, what are you doing here?" Juliette asked while Elena stood slightly behind her.

"Coffee?" He asked Elena, ignoring Juliette and the conversation.

"We're not doing that, we did that last night." Elena said and shook her head. "No more avoiding. Why are you here?"

"I'm here to protect you, that's all I can say at the moment." John told them.

"Like I said, it's a free country. Speak freely while you can," Juliette stated.

John glared at her. "I'll tell Elena more when I can trust her."

Juliette feigned a hurt. "Your lack of faith disturbs me," She told him but he rolled his eyes.

Jenna soon came rushing in. "Oh god, I'm late!"

"That's what you get for hitting snooze," Alaric chuckled but both adults froze when they saw John.

"What the hell?" Jenna had a tone of disbelief.

"Good morning to you too, Jenna,  Alaric," John greeted them calmly.

"It's okay I'm confused, right?" Jenna asked. "Because we weren't expecting you, like, ever." She glared at him and Juliette realised he wasn't very liked around here.

"Well I got in late last night. Elena let me in," He spoke casually, ignoring the glares being sent his way. Juliette also realised that he must be used to the hate he got.

"You know, I'm, uh, I'm probably just going to take off," Alaric muttered to Jenna but not before shooting a glare at John and then a worried glance towards Elena and Juliette.

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