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Brook & Jimbe:-
"Yohohoho did I become weak due to drowning in sea? I can't find a single ship if my Astral projection won't last... I cant just keep waiting they must also be struggling to get out of wherever they are..."

"Brook San!"
Brook heard someone call him.... he looked down from his ship "Jimbe san! Yohohoho I am glad you came.. I just kept feeling weak and my moves won't last long or reach far... so I was wondering how I was gonna come out of this place..." He said while going on Jimbe's ship.

"That's probably because we have traveled back in time so our bodies just have knowledge about a move but can't handle most of our powerful moves... and if it wasn't me someone else would have definitely come to get you out..."

"Yohohoho I agree with you that someone would have come help me but I shouldn't just stay still and try to get out as well.. Also looks like we as always got dragged in ridiculous things..."

"That's true...  wahahaha" Jimbe laughed...
"I haven't even been part of the crew long but I have seen/heard the stunts you guys have pulled before.. you guys well.. now.. we... do get dragged in ridiculous things."

"That's something only Strawhats can pull out off though.. if I had skin I would have gotten chills by it.. skull joke! Yohohoho.."

They both laughed...

"so should we go to Drum Island directly or go to Water7 1st...? I don't have a eternal log pose for Drum Island so we should probably drop somewhere before going to Drum Island.. "

"Let's go meet Franky san, I have never been to his island. I can see it as well.. Not that I have eyes to see Yohohoho.. and we can get an eternal log pose there and also get to the Island together.. "

"Yeah let's do that..."

On Water7:-
"The island looks a lot different then in the future... The people don't look well..."

"How should we find Franky san... ? The people get scared when they see me... Yohohoho.. You should try asking them..."

"I think at this point the sea train Puffing Tom was being made so I can just ask where they are making the train and we can find Franky there. "

"That sounds good Yohohoho"

After knowing about the location of sea train the duo headed towards it...
They were shocked to see Sunny waiting for them...

"How did Sunny come here?"

"Did Franky san make her again? But it's difficult to make a ship withing a day no matter how skilled a shipwright is.."

"Let's go on Sunny and see it.."
The duo climbed the ship....

"You guys are finally Super here huh? Brook!  Jimbe! Hope you guys were well.. Oww!" Franky said while crying...

"Franky San!! It's good to see you too.. It warms my heart that you were hoping for our wellness.. But I am all Bones!! Yohohoho"

"Franky it's good to see you too! You are not a cyborg anymore.."

"Don't make me cry now.... I lost my super cyborg body... but atleast we still have Sunny."

'But you were already crying', Jimbe thought.

"How did Sunny get here? Did you make her again? Though that feels impossible..."

"No.. I don't know how but Sunny came drifting here. Looks like she also came back to the past...?"

"Yohohoho I almost couldn't believe what I was seeing... when I saw her..  My eyes almost poped out of the sockets.. Not that I have eyes.. Yohohoho skull joke!"

"Are we gonna wait for anyone else? Or should we set sail?"

"The only one who can come here might be Robin as the kids are all from East Blue and Chopper will already be on the island... let's wait 2/3 days. We will set sail after that. Are you guys ok with it? "

"Ok.. yeah lets wait we will help you with any help needed for building sea train.. and for stocking Sunny with supplies needed."

"Yohohoho we have 3 weeks till meeting time we can definitely wait few days for Robin san. And I can't help much with building but I can definitely help with getting you guys' and other's spirit up my music Yohohoho"

"Oww Thanks. You guys I appreciate the help..." Franky said while crying...

"I was thinking the others must be really young and small now... How would they come to Grandline from east blue?"

"Yohohoho you are right... but it's Luffy san. They will somehow come here otherwise we can go and pick them up."

"That's right. Things always somehow work out fine if its Super Luffy bro we are talking about... otherwise we still have Super Sunny."

"Franky who are they?"

"Oh Iceberg, Tom san, Kokoro baa san why are you here..? Anyways meet 2 of my crewmates Brook and Jimbe. They are also the Eldest among the crew."

"We came here because he heard a fishman  and  a weird skeleton with afro walked in this direction so we came to check it.. but turns out they are your crew mates... Tahahaha" Tom

"How long are you gonna stay now that your members are here..?" Kokoro

"Well we are waiting 2/3 days to see if any other member will come.. we are not sure if she will come here or directly reach our destination.."

"Ok.. you are welcome to stay... I don't think we have enough supplies here available to stock up.. I think you should go to some other islands and bring supplies.. Make sure you take a bigger boat. Don't take Sunny though you will be attacked.. "

"We totally didn't think about that. Me and Brook can travel to near islands and buy supplies.. I have some berries with me.. "

"I think I can help making some berries through music.. Yohohoho"

"That's settled then you guys can buy supplies needed for our travel while I will just help here to make trains..."

'I have finally reached the Red line... I think I will need 2 more days to reach Water 7 I hope they will be still there... I can try contacting Franky through Den Den of Tom's workers.. yeah I think I should do that... I will also try to collect more money we might need for supplies.. I already have a bit, but I think I would like to have more.. after all we will have Luffy to feed later.. fufufufu' Robin thought..

I am not sure how Jimbe calls others.. but he is an honorable guy tho he has his humorous side... so I think he will call Brook with respect and others only by their name except Luffy.. whom he calls Luffy-Kun. So there is that...

Also Robin when 18 was in West Blue... but she had entered Grandline thru Redline on which MarieJoise is situated so that's y Robin will take the same route and meet with Franky and others on Water 7.

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