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Day 17
The ASL trio went back to the mountain the next morning. Luffy thought it's right time to call Zoro and Sanji.
"Let's call Zoro and Sanji and tell them they can come. Everything worked out way too quickly then I expected... now I can call them early." As Luffy started searching for their den den.. "I forgot to take their Den den how will I contact them now!!?"
"Well forget it. They will come later. I will just call Shanks now."

Ace and Sabo just watched as Luffy was playing around with a snail like creature.. when they heard a voice from it.

"Hello! Shanks!! It's me!!"
"Luffy! How are you? Did you meet your brothers? How are they?"
"Shishishishi. I am fine. Yes I did. They are currently with me."
"Is that so? Hello Luffy's Brothers. I am Shanks captain of Red Hair Pirates. Nice to meet you."
"Hello... I am Sabo and I am Ace." Sabo and Ace said awkwardly. They have heard the name Red Hair Pirates and knew they were strong group of pirates, so they were a bit scared.

"Shishishishi Ace and Sabo are so funny. They are so awkward."
"Luffy...." Shanks said in warning
"Benn and others are here wanna talk with them?"
"Yes! First mate, Yasopp, Lucky Roo how are you guys and where are you guys?"
"Luffy! We are fine! We are currently in Grandline. We will reach New world in 2 weeks."
"What? They get a how are you and I don't.. Luffy I see.. that's how it is huh?" Shanks said fake crying...

The older brothers sweat dropped at the action of the feared captain...
"Shishishishi. How are you Shanks? Did you survive Jii-chan."
"I am great! Of course I did! Who do you think I am? Though it did hurt. But somehow I had expected worst."
"Shishishishi Of course Shanks is strong. I am gonna be more stronger than you. Well.. Jii-chan said since you told the truth and had dropped us home he gave you fist of love otherwise it would have been.... "Luffy said as he shuddered.

Shanks paled at the thought and said,"No wonder I had felt a chill down my spine..."

Not only Shanks, but Ace and Sabo also paled... the ASL trio heard the pirates shouting "Captain. Are you alright? You are way too pale."

"I am fine!! You all try being Garp's target."
"As we said earlier, No Thanks!"

The ASL trio started laughing at the pirates..
Sabo saw Ace wanted to talk to Shanks about Roger, but he couldn't ask so Sabo asked
"Red hair Shanks..."
"Just call me Shanks."
"Ok.. Shanks.. Luffy said you were on the Gold Roger's ship? Is that true?"
"Huh yes.. it is true. Luffy can't lie to save his life. You can easily believe him."
"But he lies! He says things that didn't happen!" Ace shouted.
"I don't !!"

"I see.. thats how it is.." Shanks said understanding that Luffy didn't tell them about timetravel but told them few things which didn't happen to them but had happened to Luffy. No wonder they  think Luffy is lying..

"Anyways I was found in a treasure by the captain when I was a baby, since then I have been with Roger Pirates." Shanks went on telling how amazing adventures they had..

"Hey Shanks what will you do if Roger's child is alive?"
"If he is alive... I will do everything to keep him alive. Not only me but whole of Roger pirates.. When the news that Captain might have a child spread, we started searching for Rogue san.. She was the women Captain loved. He wouldn't stop talking about her... Even when he was sick and on death bed he would talk about her... But we couldn't find her, no matter what we did.. Either she died or went in hiding..  I really hope she went in hiding..."

Ace was crying. There were many people who were willing to do so much to keep him alive. He deserved to live..

"What do you mean by sick?" Sabo asked.
Ace overwhelmed by emotions hadn't exactly heard everything Shanks said..

"Captain was terminally ill.. He didn't have much time left. He would have died in 1/2 months. We couldn't do anything to save him. But he didn't want to go out like a candle, but go out with a bang. So he surrendered to the marines, he knew they wouldn't execute him in the jail.. But I know if not for illness.. Captain would have loved his child. I mean he loved me who had nothing to do with him. An abandoned child. He could have thrown me as well.. but he didn't..."

"I see.." Sabo said as Ace was a crying mess now. And Luffy just looked at Ace with something that Sabo didn't quite understand.

'My father didn't abandon mom. He would have loved me, if he was alive.. I will live my life to fullest... I won't let their sacrifice go to waste..' Ace thought as he ran away from the Den Den.. who was followed by Luffy.

"Shanks we will be going now. We are going to hunt. Will talk with you later." Sabo said as he ended the call... and followed Ace and Luffy.

The Red hair pirates just kept looking at the Den Den that abruptly  ended.
"That was a way to end the call."

"Did they say hunt?" Lucky Roo asked..

"Well Luffy is with them, so it's all good." Yasopp..

"They are weird kids, but they fit in with Luffy." Benn said

"That you are right. This trio this time is gonna be unstoppable." Shanks said with a smile..

Sabo found Ace and Luffy near the edge of the mountain, with Ace crying and Luffy sitting beside him, staring at him.

Sabo went and sat on other side of Ace..
"Sabo, Luffy. I am gonna live my life, the best way I can without any regrets.. I will also find the Roger Pirates and talk with them about Mom and Dad.. I don't hate dad anymore." Ace said.

Luffy and Sabo smiled at each other and at him..
"Yeah you do that."

"I know 2 more people who were on Roger's crew but you can only meet them after you have set sailed. They are in Grandline..."

"Yeah I will meet them when I set sail.. when should we set sail?"

"Hmm.. let's set sail at 17. When we would be adult. I would truly be free from Nobles then.."

"Ok! Let's set sail when we are 17!"

"Shishishishi.. yeah lets do that!" Luffy said smiling.

Months went by as the trio spent days training, collecting money and visiting Makino...

Should I keep DragonxCrocodile past relationship or make it work in future..?

Also.. I don't really like any ships for strawhats specially Luffy.. coz I  think he ain't the one for romance... Also the ship I hate the most will b ShanksxBuggy idk I just hate it...

So except for this if anyone wants any ship to b included u can comment or DM me.. I will try to include.. like I won't write abt but I can mention it...🤡

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